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Everything posted by project_850

  1. Just noticed the 93 850 lower bumper. Damn that flows so well with the lines of the car.
  2. Speaking of merit-based admissions, according to a Mclean's article, white students also resent having to compete against the highest achievers of them all--Asians. Read the full article here. Provocative Excerpt from said Article: "That Asian students work harder is a fact born out by hard data. They tend to be strivers, high achievers and single-minded in their approach to university. Stephen Hsu, a physics prof at the University of Oregon who has written about the often subtle forms of discrimination faced by Asian-American university applicants, describes them as doing “disproportionately well—they tend to have high SAT scores, good grades in high school, and a lot of them really want to go to top universities.” In Canada, say Canadian high school guidance counsellors, that means the top-tier post-secondary institutions with international profiles specializing in math, science and business: U of T, UBC and the University of Waterloo. White students, by contrast, are more likely to choose universities and build their school lives around social interaction, athletics and self-actualization—and, yes, alcohol. When the two styles collide, the result is separation rather than integration. Although university administrators here are loath to discuss the issue, students talk about it all the time. “Too Asian” is not about racism, say students like Alexandra: many white students simply believe that competing with Asians—both Asian Canadians and international students—requires a sacrifice of time and freedom they’re not willing to make. They complain that they can’t compete for spots in the best schools and can’t party as much as they’d like (too bad for them, most will say). Asian kids, meanwhile, say they are resented for taking the spots of white kids. “At graduation a Canadian—i.e. ‘white’—mother told me that I’m the reason her son didn’t get a space in university and that all the immigrants in the country are taking up university spots,” says Frankie Mao, a 22-year-old arts student at the University of British Columbia. “I knew it was wrong, being generalized in this category,” says Mao, “but f–k, I worked hard for it.” And of course some of you must have seen UCLA's Alexandra Wallace rant on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Johj5WEYzZo And then there's this: I'm not trying to stir the pot here, but I do believe that people ought to focus more on finding solutions for themselves when it comes to building their future, instead of focusing on the could've-would've-should've scheme of things too much.
  3. Hey look, it's right next to Volvo of North Vancouver B)
  4. Insane Volvo T4 V40. 180mph + on the standing mile
  5. I have, since I'm on a Focus forum And believe me, these Ford guys are in denial that the RS is a C30 with an S60R's T5. Those great pretenders, I'd love to hit the track and wipe the floor with one of those cocky Ford guys in a Focus RS when it gets here in 2012.
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