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Everything posted by thewhiteguy1

  1. threadbombing.com same place the sandwich picture was from.
  2. nathan, i think that you and i are thinking about different go-go music lol. this is the go-go music i'm talking about.
  3. ahahaaha. sweeet. i've been begging for it. i had it one day, but they moved my workstation. it is soooo sweet. vs on one, work on the other. me too! please?
  4. cops are gay. end of story. well, at least that one is. i always wanted to become a cop. but for all the wrong reasons. getting to drive like a douchebag for free, speed all the time. mess with people. racing people then giving them tickets if they win. :D
  5. lol. and you speak form experience? :lol:
  6. lol what for? the only time i almost got pulled over, there was a cop behind me, and i thought i was making an illegal turn. his lights when off. i was also with a provisional licesne, and had 5 girls in the car. lol. but then he did a uie. and i was cool. lol.
  7. lol i'm surprised a cop hasn't pulled me over. i drive my car like i stole it. but i'm white-skinned in a predominantly black/latino area. racism at its best.
  8. http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/mld/cto/844119961.html ahahahahhahah big-ass typo!!! :lol:
  9. lol if i actually like the ravens or the redskins. ravens just suck lol. skins have a little talent, but they don't know how to use it. soooo. steelers > skins & ravens. lol. but not other teams :D
  10. ipdusa.com is your friend. bullllllllshiiit. :lol: :lol:
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