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Everything posted by thewhiteguy1

  1. riight. ;) lol same with my gmail account.
  2. hahah. i think that's better then the volvo v5
  3. lol you should totally get a picture with her. and put it up. so we can judge that :lol:
  4. sweet. now you can take that russian girl to dinner lol.
  5. holy crap!!! i didn't know volvo made v5s!!!! :lol:
  6. so, first soccer game of the season. and we won 5-2. scored a goal. vicious.
  7. weed is only $5! hahhahah. kidding. ooohhh. me. i used to have those. threw em around at my grandpas house. he had a giant ditch like thing so we'd try to get it across. lol. if i had that much.
  8. http://washingtondc.craigslist.org/nva/cto/833308751.html tasty?
  9. i'm not my point exactly. i was just saying cause maybe not everyone knows what a soarer is.
  10. vicious. haha. either way is good. :lol:
  11. lol what the heck. on a side note. old people make me laugh.
  12. me? which one? the lets kick everyones ass guy lol?
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