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Everything posted by thewhiteguy1

  1. got a question. i was traveling the other day in my n/a, and i was late to an appointment i had. it was early in the morning, not many people on the highway, so i stepped on it. my car was smooth until about 90, then from 90 till like 100-103, it would vibrate. once i got past 100 it would be normal. what causes that to happen?
  2. thewhiteguy1 + noob tube = rapefest lol.
  3. ehhh. sniper rifles aren't my cup of tea.
  4. i only use the p90 and the noob tube. the noob tube is so much fun lol. (and for those of you who don't play cod4 noob tube is the m16 with a m203 grenade launcher attachment)
  5. QUOTE (matt b @ Aug 18 2008, 04:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>Reminds me of Dave at Adam's BBQ (?)... hahahhahaha.
  6. that is pretty creepy lol. so i get to keep my summer job! lol. cause i only have two classes at school and get out at like 11:20 everyday. freaking sweet.
  7. just wait till i get my hdd and wireless. we'll see who gets pwned.
  8. haha. i went to google and typed in no he thinks you're gay. in response to eriks post. even though i was kidding lol.
  9. n/a's ftl. on another note. i live withing walking distance to where the headquarters of speedtuningusa is.
  10. QUOTE (Plan_B @ Aug 14 2008, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I lollered.....give it 30 seconds or so then it's funnythat was a waste of two minutes.
  11. wtf. in my office building there is a min olympics where they do dumb shit. problem is, my company wasn't invited. so i have to work and listen to old 60 year old bitches scream their lungs out. andi still hvae to work. very noisy for a building that you can hear (normally) yourself think in.
  12. and its photoshopped. i just wanted to see how it was in real life.
  13. really? sick. you have actually pictures, instead of the pshopped ones?
  14. he can't be that far off from 21 though.
  15. holy crap. i thought khax was 16? :lol: hahahah. just kidding.
  16. k-tard! QUOTE (Plan_B @ Aug 13 2008, 02:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>20 year bf20 years with him or 20 yrs old? lol.
  17. QUOTE (Plan_B @ Aug 13 2008, 01:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>I wish I was a dick expert lol where have you been for the past few days?
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