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Everything posted by S8ET6

  1. Ding! Ding! Ding! - We have a winner! Lightning has been known to strike twice, ya know...
  2. I don't think that he'll be the Republican nominee but I do think that the odds are in his favor to be asked to join someone's ticket as VEEP. Which means he could be a heartbeat away ...
  3. If that made you chuckle, then this one will bust your gut: NSFW
  4. We're??? You're a white chick now?!? What I think ODN looks like as a white chick:
  5. Yeah, I missed all of that... Thanks for the link. I LOL'd at the comments after that article: "This may explain everything. When you scramble the letters Benjamin Carson, you get Boner Scam Ninja."
  6. What has happened to BC? Last I saw, he was leading the polls - now he appears to be at or near the bottom. Did I miss something?
  7. GASP! Who are you?!? And what have you done with my Alain???
  8. Timo/Jon or Jon/Timo Either way... talk about a dramatic pair... sheesh!
  9. Did any of my white VS friends see this television show on MTV? http://www.mtv.com/shows/white-people/white-people-full-episode/1736982/playlist/#id=1736982 If so, thoughts? Comments?
  10. Apparently Volvo played a role in the removal of the flag. Quoted from an article on MSNBC.com titled: "The true story of the South Carolina Confederate flag debate": "The members of the Democratic Caucus praised the governor for reversing her position on the flag (which came in part at the urging of corporate interests including Volvo, but according to her staff, was also the result of personal soul searching after the Charleston massacre)."
  11. FTFY: Just curious what others thoughts on the rebel flag are. I've heard good points from both sides, and I personally never really considered it treasonous or aimed towards hatred, but I'm also a white Black guy from MI Chiraq and I'm not always the most sensitive person in the world (I think PC is retarded and gay a personal computer). To me it was always the flag on the roof of the General Lee in the Dukes Of Hazzard, but that's what I grew up with and never really considered it's roots. Any African Americans here that live in the south? I'd love your feedback. And be completely honest... did the confederate flag bother you prior to the media's recent stirring of the shit-pot? does it bother you that the confederate flag is stuffed in the corner of some rarely visited, musty and dusty museum, never to see the light of day again?
  12. All I know is that if Donald Trump's remarks negatively impact me being able to obtain authentic mexican burritos, he's gonna have a big problem
  13. LOL, 9 pages in and I'm just now understanding the context of your original post. I don't care what is done with it on private property (and neither do most of the people that I have spoken too). I also don't care who decides to sell it and who decides to stop selling it.
  14. So irrelevant that I had to quote the original post to bring us back on topic: I also had to quote the 2nd post in this thread from Fivex84: Based on his trolling efforts since then, I guess that he actually does care one way or the other... Fivex84, have you been paying attention to the political debate surrounding the flag? The conversation is whether or not the confederate flag should fly over Government Property. See, there's this concept called "taxation", where people give the Government part of their income. And some of those "taxes" are used to maintain public property - including the property where the flag is flying. Apparently some alot of people don't want their tax money paying to maintain this flag - hence the chants to "take down the flag." No one (to my knowledge) has said that the flag should not be allowed to fly on private property. So what's the point that you're trying to make with the pictures you've posted? Better yet - now that you do seem to care - what do you suggest the State of SC do with the confederate flag?
  15. So, now we're are arguing "absolutes"? A symbol of hatred isn't really a symbol of hatred UNLESS it is an absolute symbol of hatred. Thanks for clearing that up. false-conclusionist = open minded... Hey, I like that! Thanks for the complement.
  16. edit: oh, so now you're calling me a conclusionist???
  17. Two more thoughts Matt: 1 - I remember in the late 70s and mid 80s where one couldn't even drive a foreign car through Michigan without getting static, much less own one while living there. The auto union members simply wouldn't stand for it. (Don't take my word for it - ask an older relative to tell you about it) So, how is that any different than this issue. My point is, both the foreign cars from the 70s/80s and the confederate flag are inanimate objects that were/are associated with principals and concepts uncomfortable to the audience offended by them. Granted you're in a different generation, and you and your friends probably consider it cool to cruise up and down 8 mile road in a JDM vehicle - but trust me when I tell you there was a time, not to long ago, where you'd catch an ass-whoopin for doing so. 2- speaking of JDM, if flags and their meaning are as unimportant as you imply, then I dare you to go to pearl harbor wearing a t-shirt and waving a flag with this emblem:
  18. Mattsk8, you were being disingenuous by naming this thread "Thoughts on the Rebel Flag" and then wording your original post in such a manner as to imply that you wanted a frank and honest discussion on this topic, only to get upset at the feedback you received. I lived in the south, I have family from the south, I married a southern woman and still have land in the south - so I have somewhat of a vested interest in this conversation - but, even if none of that were true are you implying that my opinion wouldn't have counted? I never claimed to be an expert - which is good, because you never asked for an expert's opinion. I met the criteria that you defined in your original post (Black and from the south), so I answered the question. I didn't answer your question about the Nazi symbol earlier because I thought that it was a rhetorical one - but in the spirit of moving this dialog forward, I will now. FIrst off, I do not now nor have I ever owned a German built car - so I am not supporting them. Secondly, I agree with you that the image you posted is one affiliated with hatred. However, I am not aware of any those manufacturers using that exact symbol in their current marketing material. (I will confess that I haven't conducted a thorough research effort into all of their current marketing campaigns, so I may be wrong) . I would imagine that IF that symbol was still being used today there would be massive calls for a boycott. Finally, I don't see how that image is related the the original question that you posted. Matter of fact, I find it irrelevant to the topic of this thread. YOU framed this conversation with your original post - I do not understand why I have to keep steering you back to the topic. Did you find any images to support your position yet? if not, while you are still searching, perhaps you can tell me how you concluded that I am a racist?
  19. I grew up in the south suburbs but I spent a great deal of my summers in Alabama as a child and NC and SC during my teens
  20. I'll repeat myself: Why did you started a thread asking to receive honest feedback from African Americans about our feelings for the confederate flag - and then summarily dismiss the answers when they don't align with your "Good Ole Boys" Dukes of Hazzard image.
  21. There is an old adage that seems to apply here: You two are young, dumb, and full of cum... Discussing this topic with you is like arguing with my 5 year old grandson about why he has to take a nap - and then watching him cry himself to sleep when he has to face reality You two are lazy. It's clear to me that you don't really care enough about this issue to research anything. You're just trolls - lazy trolls. So, instead of going back and forth with you on a topic that you obviously know nothing about from 1st hand experience and you probably know little about from research - let's play a game. It's an easy game. The object is to find an image on the internet, supporting your argument/stance/position in this conversation I'll go first. My argument is that the flag is associated with racism: And for extra credit, here is an article to support my argument too: http://www.newrepublic.com/article/122216/confederate-flag-still-flying-today-because-kkk Now, its your turn. Don't give me some lame photo like the one fivex84 posted above or anything else showing a black guy and a confederate flag in the same image like this: You're on the effing Internet. Put your thinking cap on. Research. Find something with substance such as images of the son's of the confederacy conducting a coat drive for underprivileged minorities, or the White Knights hosting a pep rally and bon fire (see what I did there) for some inner city school. Here's the tool that your need to use in order to win: http://www.google.com GO!
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