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Everything posted by S8ET6

  1. No - don't you remember saying that you'd buy him a beer? Damn - you are getting old.
  2. LOL. Regarding my act white/akrite statement - I was just fucking with you, Gary. Seriously though, I'm questioning the girlfriends story. Did you hear the 911 tape? "You broke my table!" "You broke my sunglasses!" Wuh?!? Most people that I know would have been far more hysterical about the fact that he allegedly aimed a gun at their face than the fact that he allegedly broke some glasses or a table. Looks like the powers that be have decided there needs to be a role reversal for good ole George... he's now being painted as the thuggish one. That's Karma for ya... Hey, when you finally get around to having that beer with George, you might want to consider advising him to consider laying low for a while. Oh, and while you've got his ear, you may want to explain that whole defense fund concept to George too, since it's clear from the information posted on his website that he doesn't quite grasp that concept the way you and I do. And tell the fucker that I said "Hi" too.
  3. Casey Anthony has seemed to have figured out how to fly under the radar. Heck, even OJ managed to stay out of trouble quite a while there... Why couldn't GZ? Financially ruined? What happened to the "George Zimmerman Defense Fund Trust"? Which was funded partly by donations to the George Zimmerman Defense Fund. You never heard of that fund? Well, as January 2, 2013, the George Zimmerman Defense Fund had raised $314,099.07. Emotionally ruined? An argument could be made that he was emotionally bankrupt prior to pulling the trigger. Who knows Gary? Maybe the problem isn't on Zimmerman after all... Maybe this all occurred because the (soon to be ex) wife and the girlfriend just didn't know how to act white Oops, stupid auto correct, I meant akrite.
  4. Arrested five times since the verdict... two incidents involving a firearm... was I right or was I right? ^^^ Quoted for truth Initially, I thought some thug was gonna handle this... (poetic irony and all) However, I'm calling it... mark my words - it's gonna be done by a LEO
  5. I don't know... I guess that depends upon your definition of "band-aid". To me, a supplemental pump is a supplemental pump - whether located in the tank or not. I could better understand the need to install a parallel fuel pump if he was having fueling issues across his entire rpm range... but, as his data logs show, his current setup appears to provide enough fuel up to 6500rpm. It's really only from 6500rpm through red-line that the additional fuel appears to be needed. In addition to the second pump, this new setup will introduce additional point(s) of failure, require larger fuel lines, much more custom fabrication work and a re-tuning of the entire fuel and timing maps, cold start map, etc.... As opposed to him using the existing Wi kit (that he's already got installed), adding a secondary nozzle to meet his flow requirements, and adjusting his tune for the WI (which would be running only when needed) and calling it a day. No additional fuel pump plumbing issues, a possible decrease in injector duty cycles, lower EGTs and only a slight re-tweaking of his current map to support the WI during the rpm range that it's being used. Besides, it's not like he couldn't use the boost in octane. Like I said, I don't know...i'm trying to learn...that's why I asked
  6. I don't understand... instead of adding additional fuel pumps and re-engineering the fuel system, why don't you just use the water injection system that you installed eons ago? Seems easier to adjust your tune for the water injection than it would be to fuss around with the fuel system
  7. S8ET6


  8. S8ET6

    Forge Recir valve

    From the album: S8ET6

  9. S8ET6

    inverted RAM manifold

    From the album: S8ET6

  10. S8ET6


    From the album: S8ET6

  11. Why would you say that? I could see us hanging out having several beers - what did you think that I meant when I mentioned the male bonding? Gary, We're all good aren't we? Yes or No?
  12. Dear Father, I understand that social media isn't the best forum to air our families dirty laundry, however, I must confess that I am still struggling with my duality. For example, the black side of me finds it extremely perplexing to see that I ejaculate white semen... while the white side of me is equally perplexed to admit that I really do like big butts and a smile... Please advise. Your loving son, S8ET6
  13. Disclaimer: I really did intend to akrite today... An open letter to my dad Gary: Father, I write this letter with great joy in my heart, because, like all adopted children, I have often wondered about the source of my heritage. As the product of a multi-racial union, I cannot recall the number of times as a youth that I stood naked, in front of a mirror, assessing my features for a clue to my TRUE lineage. I would look at my curly hair, narrow nose and thin lips and think to myself “Yes, I am special! Because I am of European decent.” However, whenever I would put on my underwear, I would be reminded of my excessively large, dark genitalia and I was forced to conclude that I must be of Negroid decent too. I cannot tell you just how stressful this truly was for me. I found myself not wearing underwear more times than not, just so that I wouldn’t have to face my terrible truth. I must confess that I began “acting out” … doing things that neither I nor my adoptive parents were not proud of: for example, I only scored 25 on my ACTs and I skipped my SATs completely (gasp). Yet, I somehow made it through this troubling period in my life. Father, why did you abandon me? That is the question that has haunted me for years. But now that I know who you are and where you live, I can only assume that our separation was against your will, and forced upon you by a community which didn’t condone mingling of the races. Father, even though I can give you that benefit of the doubt, I must confess that I find troubling the controversial thoughts that you have posted in this thread. You see, after dating many women of different races, I have elected to marry a woman of color and we have offspring (Yes, you are a Grandfather now). And I truly do not know how to teach my kids to 'akrite'. To me, that is a highly subjective term whose definition will change, depending upon the person using it. Your written statements have me concerned that you would rather see your children - my little brother(s)/sister(s) - married to a white person of the same sex, as opposed to a person of the opposite sex who happens to be a minority. In any event, I am proud to finally have a sense of belonging. I feel empowered as never before and the next time that I find myself being unfairly profiled, I will yell at the top of my lungs: “STOP THIS INJUSTICE IMMEDIATELY! FOR I AM A PRODUCT OF GARY FROM THE YELLOW95 KLAN” And I’ll pull up your post on my cellphone to support my claim and prove that I am entitled to be wherever I am ,doing whatever I am doing – as long as I am acting right. I look forward to our first family reunion. I am sure that It will be the first of many, for years to come. I plan to embrace all of your family members as my family members – and I especially plan to give your wife, my new stepmom, a great, big, giant bear hug. Please prepare her for this…as I do not want anyone thinking that my embrace is sexual in nature due to the size of my excessively large genitals (even when flaccid – it’s both gift and a curse). Your loving son, S80T6 PS. By now, you MUST know that I am your son – for I am just as opinionated and stubborn as you. So I must confess that although I have fully received your implied threats of corporal punishment, I still stand by my statement that your “akrite” comment was stupid and unnecessary I look forward to the male bonding ... just leave your firearm at home
  14. After all of these years, reading is still fundamental... go back and reread the question that I asked in post #229. It had nothing to do with TM. Nope, not butt hurt here... I just have a nasty habit of disengaging from serious conversations when someone who I considered intelligent disappoints me by says something as fucking stupid as you did. I need to work on that. I know. I know. “They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue.” -Jim Malone Yeah, I remember Antonio West… and his murder was just as unacceptable as that that of TM. You know what they shared in common? They both were profiled and murdered by a predator with a gun, who could have chosen a different course of action in the immediate moments before putting a bullet into their victim from point blank range. Of course, I know by now, that you’re not going to agree with that comparison of the two crimes – so, instead I’ll just point out two facts that you can’t dispute: 1) Regarding the West murder: black people were equally outraged. There were no mass demonstrations on the behalf of the killer, demanding a fair and impartial trial. 2) Regarding the Martin murder: Black people aren’t the only people protesting the sense of unfairness surrounding the verdict of Zimmerman’s actions. This isn’t the Untouchables… … and I’m not going to start listing examples of minority murder victims to offset the examples of white murder victims that you post up as though this was some sort of poker match using cards depicting infamous deaths. (Because all I’d have to do to win is google the number of black murder victims within a 100 mile radius of beautiful, peaceful Warner-Robins, Ga. during the Jim Crowe era and you’d lose). Instead, if it's alright wit chu Mista Gar-rie, I’ll just let you “win” and I'll “akrite” by shufflin on back over to my quite corner of deez here Intanetz. You needs mo sweet tea befoe I leaf?
  15. akrite, huh? Well, there you have it. You can't get much more subjective answer than that! It's not good enough that the black person is law abiding - they also need to make sure that they "akrite" at all times... You sir, have just answered the question as to why everyone is protesting.
  16. I don't remember reading that TM had just finished off a blunt, had some type of syrup and was casing the neighborhood for a home to break into. Perhaps you can link me to that article? Never mind, that's irrelevant to the question that i asked - instead, why don't answer my question as to what you think that should some young black law abiding person should do if they find themselves in a similar scenario?
  17. Wow... just wow. Gary, I just finished re-watching that zonation video that you posted a couple of pages back,(the one that I +1'd you for) and it struck me that the behavior that he described at the 1:54 mark is apparently the same behavior that TM's dad was doing. They described the community that dad lived in as middle class, so it seems that the dad was a middle class guy, more than likely possessing middle class values.Then I thought about the fact that he and TM's mom were divorced, and that it was entirely possibly, and highly probable, that TM was sent to his dad's to get "straightened out" after being suspended from school. Which lead me to conclude that TM's dad seems to be an average guy who was dealing with what he considered was a rebellious teen. All of that made me wonder this... Knowing what you know and feeling how you feel now... What advice would you give to the next middle class black dude struggling with a rebellious male teen? How would you tell them to instruct their son to handle the situation if/when that son was accused of WWB* in the middle class community of Warner-Robins, Ga? *walking while black edit: what advise would any of you guy provide?
  18. Wow... This thread really delivers...
  19. Dude... seriously... you're arguing with me over how I chose to used the term "people of color"? Even after I've insisted twice that I was not limiting that term to the "black man"?? Even after I gave you examples of other racial demographics who my statements might have applied to??? Alain, this, right here, is a prime example of why it's so difficult to have a serious dialog about race in America... A) rmorse you appear to be thinking only in terms of "Black and White" rmorse you don't appear to be exchanging dialog with me with the intent to understand the point that I'm making... instead you appear to be exchanging dialog with me with the intent to "prove" your point. BTW, I thought that we had sort of moved beyond the Trayvon Martin trial and were now having a more general discussing racial issues in America. And if so, then by default we are talking about more than just one demographic suffering from racial biases. rmorse, You do realize that blacks aren't the only group subject to racial biases, don't you? OK. Ignore my last post... we seem to be on the same page now.
  20. Alain is definitively my guy... I want to be like Alain in my next life. With that being said, if he doesn't respond soon to my questions of his claims of "Bullshit" ... ... then I will have no other choice than to negate his claims of "Bullshit" with my own emphatically stated claim of "Bullshit-Bullshit"
  21. I never SAID that it was the full definition... I said that I copied that part of the definition directly from the link that you provided. You're right. I made that statement because that was, in fact, the context in which I used the term "people of color". I don't give a fuck about what the blue bar said were synonyms to that term. How you arrived at the conclusion that I was trying to "twist" anything is beyond me - especially since I said that I wasn't only referring to blacks. You do realize that my 17th and 18th century comment could have applied to people of Native-Americans decent, don't you? You do realize that my 19th century comment could have applied to people of Japanese decent don't you?
  22. Wow Alain, I can't believe that you've done this much research into Zimmerman's background. Were you preparing for the possibility on being called as an alternative juror or what? So, first of all, did you see that remarks that I made in the comment of yours that I quoted? (My remarks were originally in red, but they somehow changed to black when I posted my reply) Secondly, what are you calling BS on? Everything that I said, or some specific point? Finally, I agree that this case doesn't appear to warrant further examination for possible civil rights violations. Let me remind you of this question that you asked: "So question for the overinformed, please explain to me why the man on the street views this as an unjust verdict?" My comments have been primarily towards furthering that discussion (although I will admit to asking questions - some rhetorical, some not - regarding the possibility of Zimmerman being a bigot) As I said, we don't need to establish that Zimmerman is a racist in order to acknowledge this case is drenched in racism. Why is it drenched in racism? Because, as we've agreed upon, various stakeholders want it to be in order to further their agenda.
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