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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. http://charles.linden.justgotowned.com/
  2. Yes, it is. I almost bought a set of those work wheels.
  3. Here's some more repub. propaganda.
  4. Yes, it didn't goes like they planned. Nice theory, not.
  5. It is so much that Obama says there will be change, and doesn't define it. He say's he's going to bring change, TELL US HOW YOU PLAN TO DO THAT? WTF are you going change? I can tell you he will change taxes, by raising them.
  6. Yes, we went to war for oil, yet our gas prices are soaring. Good theory. It amazes me how many peoples eyes Obama has pulled the wool over so to speak. The man promises change, will not define said change, and people eat it up. It's scary. Also, the man can lie like no other, and when he's asked a question, starts talking about soemthing totally unrelated then will address the actual question w/ no more than 10 words of BS and go back to talking about something totally unrelated again. Again, people eat it up, like he's some type of savior. I seriously think the movie idocracy is a prophecy of what's to come. We're all going to be eating burgers at butt fuckers and watering our plants with gatorade. :arob:
  7. moving this to OT for now for more attention.
  8. Amen! I promise change, I just won't tell you what that change is! Obama scares me.
  9. So what say you, who you be votin' for?
  10. I'm going to continue playing devils advocate, it's fun. First and foremost, you being a uber educator should know that the reliability of wiki as a source is pretty much nil. So yes, we can all search wiki, but what good is it? Secondly, there are just as many studies that support the idea that it's a learned behavior or triggered effect, mostly associated with a traumatic event or a troubled childhood. You being the uber educator should know what kind of impact a troubled childhood can have? Overall, your argument is weak, it's layed out to make yourself look smarter than Dave and to spin readers into thinking that Dave is retarded and how dare he have this opinion.
  11. A comment like that should be backed up w/ proof, not passed off as fact. /devils advocate
  12. Cool, think you'll miss the S70? Do you miss SDI?
  13. So what's the point w/ this S/C 850? What's your objective? Maybe I missed it? You always seem to have a specific goal for each of your builds.
  14. The drawing from the hat numbers was a seperate(second) raffle. The winners listed above were from those that signed up last week for the raffle(first).
  15. you didn't ask me permission to use my car. :angry:
  16. I've read reviews on roadbikereview.com, so no biggie.
  17. I currently have the EC70, which has the aluminum steer tube, have thought about switching to the EC90 since it's all carson fibers.
  18. How do you like the EC90 fork Sam?
  19. My buddy stopped by on Saturday w/ his 993, he added a new decal. I laughed.
  20. What about all the other stuff he said? ;)
  21. Search OT and you'll find out. Even though that's just my personal opinion, by definition, he IS an artist.
  22. Ahhhh, Metz slices off a nice chunk of reality. Just an FYI, Metz is a Graphic Designer and Art Director at an Ad agency. :lol:
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