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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. Sorry, but you're wrong. It isn't our fault you're too lazy to read the news forum, time for you to admit it. Want to know why most agree with us? It's because it's such a minute thing to be getting pissed off about. You're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
  2. So it's OUR fault, that you use RSS feeds and never read the News forum? I don't think so, that's all on you. It's not our fault you didn't read, 1. the great big announcement post at the top of EVERY FORUM, and 2. the news forum. I personally feel that 600x150 is still too big, you don't hear me crying about how they need to be even smaller do you? If you make an offensive post, it will be edited. Are you going to cry about that too?
  3. First off moron, I sent you a PM. Second, this was spearheaded by the admins, including Chuck, and myself. Don't like it, then too damn bad. As said before, it's a simple request and you were given ample time to comply. You failed to comply so a reminder was placed in your sig. If that's too much for you to handle, then you need to look back at your life and figure out where it went so wrong and what made you so uptight that you cry about having your little precious sig changed. You can put it right back up, just in the correct size format. So, in closing: grow up, shut up, and change your sig. With all the love in the world from you warm hearted VS admin, Greg
  4. Suspended 96 850GLT for one day for refusing to comply to new sig policy. Has been warned numorous times.
  5. There isn't going to be any discussion on this. It is what it is and nothing is changing. Like it or leave. It's really NOT a big deal. Hmm. I find that hard to believe.. But if it is TRUE, then I appologize.
  6. Not trying to be a dick, but every image removed was checked before hand. Have you gone back to the image that was posted and verified that it was smaller?
  7. You're wrong, your pic WAS larger. I removed it and I checked it before hand, like I did with all the others.
  8. Read the annoucements. That was your pm.
  9. Just wanted to thank all you guys that took the time to resize your pics and also the ones that had their pics changed and resized it w/out crying about it.
  10. First post of this thread has a link to a resizing tool as well.
  11. Matt Bs sig is 160x120.. Just resize your sig and put it back. What's hard about that, or do you just feel like crying? Need a hug too?
  12. It was taller than 150px. That's too big period. The new rule is 600x150, not 601x153.
  13. no. 150 is the max height PERIOD. see above.
  14. jpeg or gif one or the other. Pick one.
  15. oh, you know how...

  16. Looks fine. There isn't a vote. It is what it is and it will be enforced. There is no reason you need to have a sig that big. It serves no purpose other than to eat up bandwidth.
  17. That's the way it's always been done. Sorry, life sucks. I didn't remove it, don't know who did.
  18. just do it in MS paint or something. It's easy. Your pic is way too big.
  19. The image will be insterted so members will know what they size is necessary.
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