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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. That's why it's not your job to worry about it. :)
  2. One other note, if you're currently rocking a ridiculously huge sig then we will go ahead and insert the new image just to let you know.. You can say congrats to mr. toxiclemonade for being the first recipient if he doesn't change his sig in the next few min.. :lol:
  3. Some of the VW guys said the same thing.
  4. Nor was I. I was just answering the question. This pertains to images only, but realistically we'd like to see the text kept to a minum too. No need to have mod lists in the sig. ;)
  5. Don't know, you tell me. YOu're the one asking if it's ok. Now you know what the size is, does it meet the req. size? I think so...
  6. No, it's 718x135. Too wide. If you right click on the image and go to properties you can view the image dimensions.
  7. Best I could do w/ the image sizes. This is how I would do the sig. Looks cleaner.
  8. almost.. Each image is 320px wide, that's a total of 640.
  9. Ok, so sig pics have been getting rediculous lately. People w/ mutliple images, huge images, borderline NSFW images etc. So, we've decided to set a max Hieght and Width for sig pics. The new standard is 600px Wide by 150px High. Multiple images are acceptable, HOWEVER, they must not exceed a collective 600w x 150h meaning you can have two images side by side, but they can't collectively exceed the limit. All we ask is if you guys and gals can resize your images to meet this requirement. I don't think it's too much to ask. Loading huge images in sigs is a big fat PITA and make scrolling through topics even more of a PITA. We'll give you untill Wed. morning to comply, if you don't you will awake to this image in your sig. Thanks guys/gals. G [url="http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=68235&view=findpost&p=870085"][img=http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/uploads/1168198406/gallery_16819_32_47892.jpg][/url] http://www.volvospeed.com/vs_forum/resize/ for those of you who do not know how to resize.
  10. awww, Gina got her red back.

  11. I know I can speak for Chuck and the others in wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Be safe and enjoy your time with your family and have a great day! If you don't celebrate Christmas then, well, too bad!
  12. oreo suspended for 24hours for posting a disguised porn link and not posting a NWS tag. The rules are stated very clearly in big bold lettering. READ THEM. http://volvospeed.com/vs_forum/index.php?s...st&p=689993
  13. If you look past the i hate liberals crap, there is a lot of truth in what he is saying.
  14. I don't think I could have set it better.
  15. 200-233-181-169.xd-dynamic.ctbcnetsuper.com.br
  16. nothing wrong with that decision at all IMO.
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