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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. Looks great Mike! Congrats!
  2. I think it's funny how everyone is looking at the Dems like they're some kind of superhero going to fly in on their giant fallic shapped space ship and rid the world of the evil repubs.
  3. You hated Carter? HOW? YOu're 17 years old!
  4. Sadly, you may be correct.
  5. Wow... all I can say is wow.. The people in the state of MD are morons. EVERY single republican candidate lost in my area. Bring on the higher taxes!!!
  6. apparenlty not, at least he didn't post it in the performance forum.
  7. It's a fine line, on one hand you have think, it's the internet and it'll be scary if the govt. tries to regulate it. On the other hand, there shouldn't ever be a place for filth like that IMO. I don't see anything wrong in this case w/ the provider booting them.
  8. That's very kind of you sir. :tup:
  9. bumping it so I don't have to look at a date from jun.
  10. Sweet, Matts audi avant made it too. :tup:
  11. College or high school? ;)
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