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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. you obviously didn't get the joke. it's .025 not .25. .25" is one hell of a gap for a spark plug.
  2. Suspended pullmyfinger for 15min for starting another "how do you remove the axle nut" thread after I said I'll ban the next person who does that. Suspended beachrat for 1 day for telling me to go fuck myself.
  3. wouldn't be the first time it happened. I think I've got that under control now too. :rolleyes:
  4. If you say so... Carson, i was just looking at the pic of again and I think I see what is throwing me off and why it looks weird. With the slotted vents on the bumper now and the larger hole in the center of the bumper, it looks like a replica of what is 8" above it ie your head lights and your grille. the reason it works on Johanns SDI IMO is because the OEM grille breaks that up and fills the hole in the center making the bumper look more unique. Just my $.02. :monkey:
  5. not to mention I kept punching the clutch to keep the tires spining and some lady pulled out in front of me... I will say that your car is pretty quick for a gay LPT.
  6. I love the bumper, think it looks better in white, but it looks great on you car. I just don't like the grille with it. Maybe paint the edge black. It looks like there is a big hole in the front of the car now. Maybe try the OEM grille.
  7. looks good Carson, not digging the grille with the bumper though. :unsure:
  8. never! Car is f'ing hott! What motor is he using?
  9. +1! I'll give you 10k for it right now.
  10. you should stop while you're behind! :P
  11. don't do it if you don't have a WB.
  12. I run 18psi all day long on my car with stock tune and 12:1 afrs.. ;)
  13. I'm sure there are many things you do too... Same goes for myself, and everyone else on this planet. :rolleyes:
  14. This is what pisses me off. Everyone hears what is reported on the media and thinks embryonic stem cell research is the answer to everones problems. Well, that's crock of crap. Stemcells can be had in much better form from umbilical cords, spinal fluids, brain tissue etc without the need to create an embryo and dissmantle it. So, before you call GB an idiot, do some research.
  15. jena, it gave you a huge warning at the begining of the video. ;)
  16. buying springs plus a skid plate from ANOTHER member and selling the springs only for the price you paid for both isn't shady? R springs can be had ALL DAY LONG for under 40 bucks. Take your shady shit else where, it's no longer welcome here.
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