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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. Will your sister be there?
  2. Boy do I!!!! I met her at the circus. She had a very interesting job....
  3. Actually, I would be proud to serve my country you @ss, unlike you. If the time came I would serve my country.
  4. alcohol makes me smarter! So much so, I do everything drunk.
  5. Thank you Charles!! Fact is, I came very close to sighing up for the military. Instead, I persued my musical career and went to college to study percussion and recording. The military wasn't the right choice for me as it obviously wasn't for you either. You don't seem to understand the concept of war and why we fight for things.
  6. I suppose you know all about that huh? Fact is, I may not be in the militarty but I do my part. I build the equipment our boys are using and if I F*** my job up that could mean someones life. I take pride in the fact that my job helps keep our boys safe.
  7. If they are with family, I don't really see it as that big of a deal, but otherwise I am totally against it. Drinking is probably the most overrated thing ever, right behind having kids. :P
  8. holy crap kevin, you 2000 post?!?!?! Man, you have way too much time!
  9. I didn't have a labor union! :P
  10. Maybe you should pull your nose out of a book and take a look around. I don't see anthing wrong in his statement. They do the same thing over here. Plus the crime in NOVA is getting out of hand. There are two rival mexican gangs in NOVA right now that are tearing everyting up. Things are really getting out of hand in the DC area and something needs to be done about it. I don't mind if they are here leagally, but if they aren't they need to get F*** out ASAP.
  11. In both cases, it was a matter of replacing more expensive workers with cheap workers. My fathers company was bought out and after 28years of service the new company layed him off and replaced him with "cheap" labor. They kept a few of the guys on to train the "new" employees and I recently heard that the company stripped the leave away from these guys and they have to start from scratch now. Some of these guys had 30+ years of service and 6weeks vaction. That sucks! In my case I was just phased out and my jobs were given to mexicans. <_<
  12. LOLOLOLOL!!! I say do it Charles!
  13. It's great that you are a pacifist, but history shows that "peace talks" just don't work. We would be running through same hoop for years and Sadamm and is wacko sons would be killing more and more people everyday while these "peace talks" were going on. I respect your opinion but peace talks can only go on for so long, then it's time for plan B, which is were we are at now. If we pulled out right now, then all you "hippies" would be freaking out and wondering why didn't finish job, it's no win situation for us if you ask me. I say, finish what we started and do what ever it takes to get that done. Sorry to say, but our boys knew what they were getting into when they signed up for the job!
  14. I'll get right on that, 'cause I'm sure you can really school me on economics and the real world being that you are still in school... I was just joking though, well...to a certain extent. I lost my job and my father lost his job due to the "cheaper" labor, so...I have every right to dislike them and want them out of here. If they are here illegally, then they need to be delt with ASAP.
  15. Man, you are such a tree huggin hippie! You put a disclaimer in! It's people like you that are the reason this country is going to hell. I don't agree with what she said, but I don't agree with what you said. I think we need to close off our borders and ship all that are here illegally out. Sorry, but it just needs to be done. Just MO and it's right! :)
  16. I don't see anything wrong with what he did. What he should of done is beat that kids butt.....
  17. No because its the internet dumbass.
  18. Yup, your mom finally gave it to me.
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