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Everything posted by gdizzle

  1. News flash:::::::War is never a good spot to be in!
  2. didn't even notice the fag part, i just thought it was funny and oooppsss, I thought you were complaining about the us economy! :)
  3. You wanted to wait for the inspectors?!?! If that was the case we would still be waiting! We would be playing a cat and mouse chase for ever with Sadaam! Mean while, the people of Iraq would be living in a opressed country and Sadaams nut bag sons would be goind around killing people when ever they want! Since when is it our fault that you had to pay a 100bucks more for a friggin lap top? FUNNY!
  4. I also forgot to add that the majority of what I wrote above was sarcasim..... <_<
  5. Not sure what you are insinuating, but if you are trying to say that Americans kill people from 3world countries for their organs then you are horribly misstakin! Who was discussing numbers of dead people?! And who ever said anything about football? :blink:
  6. I think I covered that when I said they did help! I know that Canadians died while fighting on Juno Beach and we all know that the US didn't single handedly save the world! The fact is though, if it wasn't for the US, Hitler may not have been stopped.
  7. You also didn't save all of Europe either! Granted you did help! Ever seen the movie Candian Bacon? Nuff said! BLAME CANADA! Isn't Canada the place were it's citizens have to pay out their a$$ for medications and wait 10years for a freggin organ donation? The only good things to come out of Canada are hockey players and comedians! :)
  8. Why don't you grow a pair and register! Iran gassed the Kurds? :blink:
  9. I bet he has his thumb up Kerrys a$$ like the guy and the dog in dirty work!
  10. Thats funny, John Kerry is such a tool! Is that Micheal Jackson behind Kerry?
  11. I just find it to be funny that Kerry gets a lead and suddenly the poll is to end and Kerry is the victor. He is winning by 1 now and did not take a lead in the VS poll untill this week. :lol:
  12. Kerry just got more votes than Bush as of this week.
  13. Won? Winning maybe, but I don't know about won! <_<
  14. ] That's the dumbest thing I have ever heard! ??????? What surplus? Your point is......????? God I really wish I could build my house, but that tree, I just can't bear to cut it down! So I will just live this box, recycled box of course. *deep breath* yeah this is the life! Please! Save us the hippy tree huggin stuff! That bastard!
  15. Bush is still winning! Bush owns Kerry!
  16. Who said were not putting things back in order? What about the schools we have built, the powerplants, the clean water, medical assitance etc........... You need to stop watching TV.
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