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Everything posted by mrtl321

  1. I see you're from the great state of Texas. Texas could always just secede which is in their state constitution.
  2. Well I think I've made the decision to go ahead with it. I have been invited to a party with some local people high up in politics in about 3 weeks. Then the week after that apparently they are introducing me to some of the community at a big luncheon at an area park where anyone from the town can show up. I'm getting myself all ready for the huge and I mean HUGE challenge ahead of me. "Government's first duty is to protect the people, not run their lives." -Ronald Reagan
  3. I think there should be accountability and honesty in Washington. Click me. The link is to another part of the forum and I'd like to hear some of the issues that everyone faces, since I'm possibly going to be taking up the challenge.
  4. I dont know if this was covered somewhere else but I see there is now a Gold level?
  5. I'm finishing up my last semester of college and am quite tired of all of the "crap" that has been going on up there in Washington. And in such I'm debating running for congress.... I am just interested in getting in there and getting the job done, and done effectively as a voice for the people who seem to be less and less heard over the years. Think I should go for it? "I hope I shall possess firmness and virtue enough to maintain what I consider the most enviable of all titles, the character of an honest man." -George Washington
  6. I wish he was still around so this could actually happen.
  7. I like not having to always look at all the ad's. Thanks! :D
  8. Get ready for more... .40 adds up pretty fast when you commute 50 miles each way to work everyday. And sure I'll take the gps, but the spyware that goes along with it nope. There would be someone out there that could hack it. I mean it is a government operating system. This is an Obamanation of the US. Well they caught the NY times, does that count?
  9. Something that I found interesting. My aunt recently went back to Germany and they would not exchange US "Greenbacks" (US Dollars) for Euros. She was told that they would no longer be exchanging due to the instability of the US. She then had to go to a US military base (which she is allowed to be at since my uncle is retired military) and she was told she would have to wait a minimum of 2 days for them to even be able to exchange any amount of money. So I'll let it go from here....
  10. Anyone having problems with the game? Just wondering if anyone here is getting the same "mini dump" error as I am. Was working great and then boom, it loads all the way up you can get innto the game and once its initialized the level it kills itself. Anyone have any ideas? Running with win XP
  11. I've been through the new forums quite a bit and really do enjoy them. I don't know if this was or is addressed anywhere else but is or was there still going to be a garage section planned for the new forums? Other than just the little things that I will be getting used to in the next few visits. Read farther on things, questions answered.
  12. Wow, I have been off of here for nearly a week and wow is all I can say. I had to double check that I was actually at the right place. Looks pretty schnazzy, just a bit to get used to now The only thing I miss, but I haven't done alot of exploring yet is or was the location by the avatars.
  13. Oh my that is some of the weirdest stuff I've seen but yet so funny
  14. I have saved so much from the discount! I just placed another order to finish my suspension since my rears finally just couldnt take it anymore. I cant wait since I have been silly and now have orders coming in on tuesday wednesday and now thursday. Gotta love finding cash in those pants pockets Thanks for being awesome!
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