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Commander Riker

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Everything posted by Commander Riker

  1. What I find interesting is groups who believe they have a "right to interfere in the lives of others." Especially when it comes to the right to die, I believe if one is facing a painful death... they should be given the option of a quiet peaceful one. Regardless of where you think someone goes or doesn't after they die... why would any want to impose suffering on someone when it can be avoided? Oh, because it's a "sin" GTFO Like those posted before me, I've watched my grandfather spend almost a year withering away on a bed after surgeries to remove lung cancer took his body to a place he couldn't recover. It should be the decision of the person who is loosing their life, and no one else's.
  2. Yes! lol I was watching his reaction as well. Hilarious.
  3. I'm imagining him hilariously drunk with power... connected to a pistol that completely changed his life from being a nobody to a well known dumbass.
  4. Anything to get school and shooting in the same sentence.
  5. Heat gun to the trim would darken it up. If it's anything like the XC trim that fades, Kiwi dye does great, though it takes a good 4 coats. Nice job cleaning it up. Quite a bit better then when you picked it up!
  6. This thread should be stickied, considering how popular this swap is starting to get.
  7. Rather then give businesses more tax cuts, we should just let them run the government. Oh wait. I was a big fan of the fair tax. It seemed like a really good idea.
  8. The fact that we pay them in the first place is shocking to me. They get more money from companies to do their bidding anyway. Apparently the soul to dollar exchange rate is pretty good.
  9. Meh... I'm ok with it, actually. Something actually getting done.
  10. I predict you will not really have a choice, but it will appear... maybe even feel like a choice.
  11. Actually, I'd be more for spending money on teaching kids how to respect fire arms, and how bad people are. People are fucking terrible.
  12. Well, though one is cheaper, but both are being paid for by "us" That being said, I would go with whichever had a lasting effect. 70 million for education is a better deal then 12 million for AC units, as the AC units don't address an issue, nor do they help in the winder violence season.
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