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Commander Riker

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Everything posted by Commander Riker

  1. Only have my mossberg 500 (zombie ready) for now. Hoping to get a W2... then it will be time to decide whether I need a turbo or a .40 cal :-P
  2. It may be returning to the regulatory standards of 1994.... but I assure you... much is changing.
  3. No shittake. I mean... good thing there are speed limits. Otherwise, my VR might have gone faster than 65 or 70 ALL THOSE TIMES IT DID. frak the government.
  4. 3) Making Schools Safer. Hmmmmm.... wonder what they mean by that. Posting TSA at schools, perhaps?
  5. Article no show. Is it like this one? I'd like to add... that in a response to any measure our government would to propose regarding my firearm...... ahem....... : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qyhybt_e8Io
  6. I think from this... nothing will change in terms of weapons restrictions. However, it will be used to justify why the government needs to spy on it's people. "For safety!" :-/
  7. Some media outlets are probably better are relaying a story then others. Keep in mind... the "news" is mostly entertainment now. They do no actual reporting themselves... they just repeat information found by others in a flashier way. With graphics and stuffs.
  8. You realize that's like saying: "The framers never could of conceived of the internet, so freedom of the press shouldn't exist there because... it's not a press." So... show me where the constitution says "internet". :-/
  9. I do hate that they play on the fears of law abiding, gun owning, good people with the rhetoric of threats in regards to taking away people's right to bear arms. This debate... that of gun control and restrictions etc... I think is almost engineered. It has the same feel of the elections not too long ago, and feels like it plays on those vibes of "left vs right" bullshiz. Lately I've been thinking it will be made as an argument that is given up if another concession by the people is made. For example... putting TSA everywhere. And the people, will want it. :-/
  10. It's more the mentality that I was posting. Even in these tragedies.. people seem to want to copy cat them. The internet is odd too... as it's created fandom of the mass shooters. Humans are weird... maybe that's our overall problem here.
  11. And before Alain posts and article... I'm sad to report there was yet another shooting at a school today. This time, in a classroom. One student injured two others with a 12 gauge shotgun. Luckily no one died... but another weird part of our society I'd like to point out... and maybe of people in general... is copy cats.
  12. Sorry... a crude attempt at a joke, Alain. Didn't work. Not funny. *sorryface Well said!!
  13. She only killed 2. I'm pretty sure the mass shooting level is like 10 or something. :-P
  14. Quite possibly. There are just more variables involved than an impulse, though. I highly doubt these fucked up individuals decided on their way out to their regular routines that "Oh... hay... I think I'll shoot everyone today." My point is that there is usually much more going on in their conditions/situations... and people jump for the first thing they can band against or attack... without evaluating the entire situation. For example... this horrendous massacre of children = fault of guns....... somehow....... don't really know... but somehow. <<thinking of the masses I agree with much of this article... except the "influence of the NRA." They are often demonized as trigger happy people. I am not a member... nor do I feel influenced by them... but suspect that they have quite a bit of weapons training that could be useful to more people to educate them about the power of weapons... and to not fear them so much.
  15. Oh, I was just going on about the use of the term "going postal." I agree... not all mental illness is borned / genetic. Push humans to their breaking point... whether it be in war... or in the workplace... they seem to device a plan to lash out. Again, my point was more along the lines of how when the postal mass shootings happened... no one was looking at the culture of the workplace and it's stress as the cause. Just as in these public mass shootings... they are again labeling the person as "whacky" and blaming the guns... rather than our society. (my .02)
  16. I watched an interesting documentary on the postal shootings of the late 80's / early 90's, actually. It was an eye opening experience. It allowed me to see that this a relatively new phenomena in our culture. It has gone on to describe a type of killing it's become so prominent. Before that, you didn't really have mass shootings, outside things like Jones town and whatnot. The interesting thing about the postal shootings of the 90's was how it was handled by society and media. Here again, the people who did the shooting were believe to have just "flipped a switch" and went off the reservation all of the sudden. They believed there was mental illness or defectiveness/social awkwardness was the reason people shot up their work place. However, it was found later that it more than likely the fault of the workplace and the management that ultimately caused people to do the terrible things they did. Someone else I think pointed out the fact that if you do not have guns available to people, don't think they they aren't going to find other ways to carry out their lunacy. Those in power that would like to take the guns away from people, may find that our society then wants to use explosives. Readily available from your local store, to do terrible things to people. Then what do we do?? We still will have not addressed the problems of our society, IMO. Alain... I totally understand and respect your views. I strongly have my doubts, though... and instantly when I heard about each of these mass shootings... I was suspect. Perhaps because in being, I believe that our country has attacked it's own people that I lack the trust to take a crazy shooting for what it is... but I don't know. Perhaps it was reading the history behind Ruby Ridge. Basically... for me, in these potential cases... having less guns sold tomorrow doesn't solve the problem. I cannot solve the problems of others, and I don't know why others things they can either. I can only solve problems of my own... on my own. And on Joe's note... I'm going to look at guns this weekend... (if not today).
  17. Have done alot of drugs... ... never saw what this guy is seeing.
  18. Generally... I believe that it's interesting to see how events unfold in ways to reduce our liberties. Once I believe I aligned myself with that of the republicans... seeing how our government has false flagged it's own people... it's lead me to be a bit more of an anarchist now. Often the word anarchy is used in place of "Chaos"... but that isn't at all what it means. It simply means "without leaders." I believe that you and I can be friends without leaders, for example.. and work out or own differences without our government's regulation. Aurora... uses array of weaponry and armors up for going against civilians, then mysteriously gives up and sits in car. Sets up home made booby traps... but then tells authorities about it? Not to mention how completely drugged out of his mind he appears on the little footage we've seen. Please do not confuse my perception of these events with the fandom he's acquired online... not a fan. Still extremely terrible that people were murdered. Newtown... First it was 2 handguns... now it's 4... and an "Assault Rifle" found in the truck of a car. Come on. It doesn't make any sense. It was just the terrible tragedy that needed to occur to set everyone off against one another... IMO. You know... if it wasn't for this now hot "gun debate" topic... people might be unified and wake up that their government sucks. We're completely ok with our hundreds of thousands of military personnel... going overseas and blowing the hell out of who knows what. Whether it be with hand guns, rifles, or helicopters... and we have NO IDEA that is occurring. So... out of sight... out of mind?? What about all the innocent people our military has killed in the name of "Fighting Terrorism?" Mike... I can honestly tell that this topic lights your emotions, and the killing of children is off the charts of shitty things humans can do. Working for a school now... it was freaky to see how it effected everyone's mindsets here... including my own to a degree. However... even with this terrible tragedy... I am not in favor of relinquishing firearms... but rather properly arming the public and training them so anyone who wants to commit such terrible acts is stopped instantly. Whether it be the person committing them, or the people behind the curtain. Creating more gun laws is just going to put more people into our prison system, which if you haven't checked out the statistics on, it's already extremely huge. We are 4% of the overall world's population... but we house 25% of the worlds imprisoned population. Why? It's a business to us now. You will likely make fun of my tin foil hat as a rebuttal... and that's fine. I just think our government is too big... and restrictions are a waste of time and nothing but additional paperwork/cattledung. It will do little to honestly address the issue OR increase our safety.. but it will do much to take away freedom and liberty.
  19. Here's my suggestion for gun control. You must be 12 years old and attend some sort of classwork with a parent who has already completed a course. This would help parents teach children about guns and respect them. These mass shootings that everyone is in a hissy over... are staged.
  20. Wait wait wait wait............ you means spell aren't banned? Frak me......... if only we could regulate such things. That would probably prevent them from harming anyone ...... about as much as gun regulations do.
  21. It is. It's also very fun Oh, and completely unrelated to this. lol
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