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Commander Riker

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Everything posted by Commander Riker

  1. Would like to know... what are your thoughts on the 850 vs the RS500 when on the track. Do you prefer one over the other... or how do they compare/contrast?
  2. Checking in on your thread H to say... I like what I'm seeing here. Great job, as always. FWIW, here's my ME7 rail... and AN fittings... and an aeromotive FPR mounted up on the FW. Looks like a similar FPR to what sir captain bondo had sitting on the engine in that previous pic.
  3. Still not sure who to vote for ... .... .........
  4. What are your believes, "bro"? What ever I said originally about how your vote didn't count must have be contradictory to them, or you wouldn't have responded in the fashion that you did. Wait... did you say opiates? I'd be down for that. Let's vote for that. Let's just choose to consider each other ignorant for our own reasons. Problem solved.
  5. I appreciate you placing the proverbial tin foil hat upon my head. While I'm not one to believe all conspiracy theories, I take a general rule that if 10% of them were true, that would be bad enough. A confirmation of my ignorance, eh? I'm sure you meant that with some level of insult... but honestly, I wish it were true. The fact that being ignorant in this system is probably the least painful way to exist. Everyone wants to watch "reality shows" and "cable news." Fret about Jersey Shore or Baby Jesus Shawn Hannity or that bro Rachel Maddow. Watch the commercials and layer after layer of marketing as they feed you your pile of bullshit. Do I think they just buy their elections... it's possible. Do I think they have our best interest in mind? Hell no. That being said, I think it could be done better for the good of all. So... you go to your polls... your local, state or federal... and you cast your ballot. Do so proudly and with conviction if it makes you happy, because I encourage your happiness, genuinely. Just know that it is I who will see your action as a confirmation of your ignorance. Go back to sleep.
  6. Imagine I have a sock puppet on each of my hands. Some of you will like what the one of the left is saying... some of you will like what the one on the right is saying. Each of the puppets asks you to wage a mental anguish war on the other group. Point is... the sock puppets are controlled by the same person. You are extremely foolish if you think you have a choice. It caused me a tiny chuckle to see the OP list the third option as "wasting your vote." It implies that your vote mattered in the first place. :rolleyes:
  7. Looks like you've really put it together nicely. Nice work!!
  8. I actually like the wheels on it. It's fitting.
  9. You've done all of this in your drive way (sometimes a pond). Bravo!! Great work.
  10. H. I am seriously impressed with both your patience and resolve. Good job working through this and when it comes to this build... you're handling it like a boss. Good luck!
  11. Damn. That's some carnage. Will you go back to the DM flywheel?
  12. Here's to hoping the issues are as minor as possible. Good luck on diag.
  13. Sorry to hear that. Worried your car is named Christine. No burn, please.
  14. Video? Also, I'd like to note I'm sad I won't be making it to carlisle this year, and this build is one of the reasons why. *grumbleface*
  15. Large intercooler is large. Damn it looks good! What mirrors are those??
  16. Great work, H! When it comes time for me to replace my clutch someday, I am going to bug you about the flywheel setup. Looks awesome! Cannot wait to see videos of it running. Sorry I won't be making it to carlisle this year... will see you next year!
  17. Good job, H! Keep up the great work. Your last picture there looks a bit like terminator. :)
  18. Utilizing all 3 ecu slots. H... you are amazing! Keep up the great work and good luck with the bui... rebuild. :)
  19. Commander Riker

    EST Downpipe

  20. SOPA is dumb......... and on that note... Imma just leave this here.....
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