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Commander Riker

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Everything posted by Commander Riker

  1. I'm always bothered by the lack of questioning that comes with "faith." It's questioning that leads to learning, IMO. Without that... faith is almost an acceptance of a desire to no longer learn. Maybe it's just that, acceptance. All I could claim to know is that I do not know... however, I still will always question.
  2. About to go fill up... and not looking forward to pain at the pump. I remember when people used to rage over 3 dollars a gallon. They are raising it slowly and making everyone used to it.
  3. The repair on the R begins.

  4. V70R vs ice... guess who won. (sad face)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scandalo






      Sound of and air compressor shooting 426.

    3. scandalo
    4. Commander Riker

      Commander Riker

      Dude... I'm ready as you are. Just gotta get time from Danny boy, I think.

  5. Thank you so much for posting this, OP. This is definitely my next modification. Going inside the ECU. Simple.
  6. Good writeup. Should definitely be stickied. I need to redo my LED's, and this is perfect.
  7. I, for one, am sad to see that the poor deeds and poor actions of few have spoiled something good for the many. In a recent conversation with scandalo, I learned it was going to be mandatory that pictures with date time and info be displayed with the item for sale. I thought to myself... "what the hell does this fix?" It's too bad that every other volvo site can have a for sale section and we cannot. It's not chuck's fault... it's the stupid f*cks who've made bad deals or no deals at all that have ruined it for us. Don't blame the admin... blame the users. VolvoSpeed has been ruined by VolvoThieves.
  8. Need to get this manual swap moving!

    1. jnderr



      Just pasting this in here because Hussien had a post about what shift cables and flywheel to use.

  9. Two more days until the 19's are wrapped in new rubber.

    1. jnderr


      pics or gtfo :)

    2. scandalo



    3. Commander Riker

      Commander Riker

      No pics till Dub Dash. ;)

  10. Two more days until the 19's arrive! W00T

  11. In the process of buying new shoes for the R

  12. Hahaha. Default setting maybe? I dunno

  13. I watch BBC news. Oh... and here. http://www.disinfo.com/
  14. To the comment that Safari is slow... this is true... and coming from someone who's used Macs since their inception... that's not a great thing to admit. However... most recent version of Safari 5 is pretty awesome at the same time. It seems to be more and more site compatible... and loads HTML5 really well. It's pretty safe to probably say Safari is slower than the IE on the PC............ and Safari is better than IE on the mac because there is no IE for mac. That's my kind of competition! (FireFox FTW, though... seriously)
  15. Sorry you guys are going through this. Thieves suck.
  16. Sorry to hear this is happening to people. We have some shady people out there sometimes, and it sucks they get away with stuff like this. My condolences.
  17. Hey man.. we are we going to roll again? I should have compatible gears soon. ;)

  18. I have the answer. Over throw the government and start anew. :ph34r:
  19. I was about to say the same thing!!! LoL @ house
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