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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. oh come Alain, don't drop that Biblical apocalyptic reference on this to Rod, you're right. 100 years ago we were taught that women couldn't vote and that black people had to be separated from white people and had less rights. Some people are born with attractions that differ than yours, so it's kind of irrelevant to say "well back in my day". Comparing alcoholics to gay people is a really bad comparison, it really is. You're comparing an addiction that destroys peoples lives to a lifestyle that seems to only threaten those that don't agree with it. back to the whole bathroom debacle....personally I think we should just use Europe's model: one bathroom for everyone. Seems to work fine for all of them.
  2. the o ring unseated and I lost oil pressure under full boost, it would have happened to you too Mike. No way I could have known, all the o rings were inspected for leaking and none were beforehand. You're always quick to take shots, just let it go
  3. just like "religious liberty" laws. Wonder if they apply to Muslims too?
  4. I had the shitty v-band removed from my OBX downpipe, I wouldn't trust their quality. Did you get the v-bands that have the lip on the inside of them so they seat properly?
  5. there is a clear difference between those that are transgender (or identify with a different gender) using the bathroom that they most identify with, and someone who blatantly enters a bathroom with malicious intentions. the issue arises when you lump these two groups of people together, it's just not right.
  6. trans people are scary, so they must be pedophiles! How many bills have been introduced banning sex offenders from public bathrooms? None. The same argument "save the children" has been used for many arguments, to include: gay rights, women's suffrage, and abolishing slavery. It's a sad cop out and it honestly infuriates me because at the heart of it all it's just bigotry
  7. +1 public transportation and shipping is where the focus should be, IMO
  8. I just don't see the issue here, let people use the bathroom that make the most sense to them
  9. literally laughing reading this article http://www.politifact.com/personalities/hillary-clinton/
  10. questionable info in the charts but still good info honestly we need more than 35% of new vehicle sales to be electric by 2040, it needs to be 50%+ imo so we don't completely ruin our planet
  11. If Bernie loses, I will not vote for Clinton. I haven't decided what my next course of action will be at this point
  12. he was invited to the Vatican but was not invited there to meet the Pope. As you mentioned the Pope was nice enough to say hello to him
  13. and the Vatican did invite him Alain, contrary to how the media would like to tell it
  14. I fully do not expect the exact embodiment of Bernie's plans to become law, the man is very bi-partisan and will get shit done on both sides. We just need someone that will acknowledge the bullshit and there are really only 2 candidates doing so this election.
  15. Timo, your video shows even moreso that we need someone to stand up for the American citizen and say enough is enough. We need someone to acknowledge the corruption. Sure sounds like we have a match ;)
  16. I'm also at work half of the time I reply, so I can't give you full thought out arguments. Once I get some more free time we can have the full discussion you're looking for
  17. is it unfathomable that someone other than a Christian can lead this nation? Funny enough the only presidential candidate that invited to the Vatican was a Jew
  18. Cruz ain't gonna win other thought of the day: Trumpers want a free wall that Mexico will build yet I'm crazy for wanting free college education?
  19. I did. I didn't expect him to win NY, still plenty of delegates to win
  20. Cruz has said some really really bigoted shit
  21. take a look at his record, he is not a normal politician by any means oh, and you forgot to wall off Alabama, Gerorgia, and South Carolina lolololol
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