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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I just read through Rye's thread... how is she after the surgery? And how are you holding up? I can't imagine the thought of losing my wife
  2. Chuck, what was the surgery for? I can't remember
  3. Smoking outside in the 10matter degree Dole if the worst idea ever man ill tell you agag
  4. 11 beers now. Everything is all crazy hand isjh man ugh
  5. I posted a picture of Jake's sister. She looks kinds line Cassie bahahahaha Also look ing the drink thread lololol
  6. The amount of win circulating in my body > Bhtbibg you ahave
  7. Look in R forum and report findings asap
  8. 75 in South Dakota? :dissapoint:

  9. I had it in Montana last night. Almost got blown off the road a few times
  10. South Dakota is the windiest place I have ever been in my life
  11. TV sucks so much I've turned to other methods of entertainment such as listening to music and video games. Hobbies are also super cool brah. Don't forget, there's always outside :lol:
  12. Just woke up, still in Montana. Ugh so windy
  13. That reminds me.....I forgot to go to Les Schwab while I was in the NW and get a new battery under warranty. Ballllllssssssssss
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