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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I'm driving 16 hours today wooooooo
  2. Back in July I blacked out for over 6 hours....... :tup:
  3. Idk how I didn't have a hangover today
  4. Oh hey wassup brrrrroooooooooo

  5. I kinda wanna set my cat on fire....where's the torch lighter ahahaha
  6. I'm going to the casino with the parentals. I'm kinda drunk this will be fun hahaha
  7. Ugh I've already been drinking and my parents are dragging me toin the casino. Maybe ill meet some chicks hahaha
  8. What are you guys doing for new years
  9. I think I'm gonna watch Castaway I'm feeling a little sad Also Spencer you're freakin hilarious. SENSATIONNNNNNNNNN
  10. Initiate operation spank the monkey in 3....2....@..... Fuckin I'm messed it all up shiiiittttt goddmaitsbzs
  11. Spencer I know you're online where are ya
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