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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I will admit, I do really stupid things quite alot.
  2. Yea I have it somewhere. I was so lucky that Kalvin was with me when it happened. Lemme look through my photobucket
  3. I've had nightmares about dying from my damn Volvo falling on me. Honestly though, glad you're alive and you really are lucky that she was there to save you man. Get to the hospital if the pain doesn't stop :tup:
  4. That's right I forgot she blocked me on Facebook because quote "you are a little punk ass bitch" Honestly like no shit she actually said that to me :lol:
  5. I just feel like crawling into a hole and dying sometimes man. How am I supposed to feel when my dad asks me what do to? I just don't know what to say anymore and I just want everything to be right again
  6. Christmas sucks when your family is getting divorced and you don't know wtf to do. I think I depressed....like seriously
  7. Christmas is seriously one of the dumbest holidays ever
  8. Stuck at the mall during crazy Christmas shopping....hope I don't punch someone in the throat. On second thought, punching someone in the throat would be hilarious :lol:
  9. Danny y u no play words with friends with me :rage:
  10. your post count is double mine....go outside

  11. which reminds me, i need to finish the game with Reid I started like a month ago
  12. what am I gonna do in my free time now? :(
  13. i keep instantly getting booted from chat?
  14. Now that I'm back in the pacific Northwest for a bit, are there any meets coming up soon?
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