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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I just dont want a huge dildo. Seriously.
  2. I plead the 5th I got a really lame person....sad panda
  3. Hopefully ill he home, I grad in a week and I currently don't possess orders which means I'm stuck here till I gt them. Been told ill be out of here before Christmas but there's no guarantee
  4. Go ask Grant I'm sure he knows. Besides you both are super best friends amirite
  5. Nothing. Bombs aren't armed until they're dropped from the plane. Still have to evacuate 4000 feet though haha
  6. Come to south Dakota and load bombs with me
  7. What age is considered old nowadays :lol:
  8. Single life is fun but it sucks. Am I old for not wanting to be alone? Idk I've just realized that life kinda sucks unless you have someone there with you to experience it with
  9. My thanksgiving will be spent on base Woooooooo :lol:
  10. What phones are coming out next year? I have an upgrade in June and I really don't like my DROID X2
  11. What's goin on gaiz? Felt like I haven't been on here in awhile
  12. Gonna order up a few. Trying to decide...windshield or on the rear window.
  13. Canada just wants to be important! Hahahaha Besides, little Asians that drive green wagons live up there anyways
  14. They were for airman leadership courses. Listened to a 4 hour lecture then took a test. Im'a gettin qualified ^_^
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