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Everything posted by Kevin.

  2. note to self... never call Chuck a noob :lol:
  3. 480p did make a large difference in the colors though I will say that
  4. im used to playing Wii on a 120 inch projection screen :lol:
  5. i bought my component output cables on monoprice.com for like $15 bucks and it made a huge difference
  6. I was just saying that the Wii is pretty gay. No true HD is superrrrr lame. 480P does not count NINTENDO
  7. european cars > american cars :lol:
  8. Aaron = butthurtmostofthetimebutweloveyouanyways
  9. Personally I love Griot's products and I completely back them 100% Im curious to see what you have against them....
  10. if only I had some money to throw around right now lol
  11. Not looking too good.... DOW was down 220 points last time I checked
  12. Spencer should I go to the bar? is this a real question or should I just go? LOL
  13. this is why I miss home. drink one for me brah
  14. its a 20 min walk there 20 walk back plus I have to be in my room by 10. tomorrow I will gooooo
  15. you missed the main point.... I FORGOT TO GO TO THE BAR!
  16. dammit I forgot to go to the bar tonight. fuuuuuuuu
  17. if you're a supporting member you can see who +/- you Spence btw Im moving to northern Texas, even farther away from civilization that I am now :lol:
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