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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. I think you meant to type Ronald Reagan
  2. idk man, Trump may as well have a toupe. And toupe's are totally in right now
  3. http://www.godchecker.com/ which god is the real god? Is it Zeus? Yahweh? Shango? Odin? Morrigan? Coyote? find out next time on dragonball Z
  4. when you're being investigated by the FBI and when you say you did no wrong and the FBI said you did, I think there are fair grounds to say she shouldn't be the nominee. I truly think this will all blow up in her face before the election, and I want it to. Fuck Hillary
  5. lol at all of the news sources saying Hillary clinched the nomination superdelegates don't vote until the convention
  6. Alain, you're one committed guy. I'll give you that much.... hopefully you'll see the light of his Noodliness, and the grace of his pasta
  7. that you have a religion of not believing in religion. Apparently not believing in religion is unnatural, just like being gay :P
  8. is there a benefit of getting the kit over just the sensors?
  9. what is your opinion on speaking in tongues Alain
  10. I'm looking to replace my knock sensors as the wiring looks crazy sketch on them. There are two sets of knock sensors out there, there are just the sensors and then there is a kit. Which should I be purchasing? Motor is from a 97R going into my 850 turbo
  11. you keep saying this, yet there is no physical proof of a god. There is a clear difference between proving that electrons exist through the scientific method and proving that God exists. L Ron Hubbard seemed to have spoken to God, and his "religion" is considered a business and cult in Europe (and should be worldwide). don't even compare this to denying climate change Alain, that's bullshit and you know it. You're saying that God exists because you feel he/she/it does? Well I'm sure Al Gore has a few things to say about Manbear Pig then
  12. Bernie and Trump are going to debate, let the games begin
  13. really Alain? Assuming electrons exist? I guess I just assume that all molecules exist, but since I've never seen one my faith leads be to believe that it's true? Do you realize how silly that sounds when you spell it out? They are proven to exist, with documentation and the like. The scientific method certainly is not used when it comes to religion, but I would like to hear you explain how it is in a relevant way.
  14. my guess would be yes, not sure on what the difference would be though. @andyb5 might know
  15. Alain it really does bother me that with religion, if you don't understand something it must be God who does it. Instead of going out and discovering why things take place, people just don't care and stick with their old religions and traditions as an explanation. Another great question: which religion is right? How do you know yours is right? Are all of the believers in Islam going to hell forever simply because of demographics?
  16. I would say somewhere around 30% of my customers read their entire owners manual before coming back in for their second delivery Encore service. Keep in mind, the average age of a new BMW owner is mid to late 40's so they have a different mentality than us younger kids. Also, I've read my entire 850 owners manual several times. And the C30s hey, nice used Volvo's are cheap. BMW's....not so much! Even an employee lease on a 228 is in the 3-400's which I just can't justify as an extra expense. i3 leases are dipping into the low $100's so I might scoop one up later in the year with December incentives
  17. that whole lawsuit is INCREDIBLY stupid it is explicitly explained in the owner's manual how the rEX operates....ugh....
  18. well of course, you learn and change your way of thinking. Perhaps religion isn't the be all end all as it seems to be wanting the same things for generations and generations
  19. one could attribute the presence of God in science over the years to this as well Alain. When we didn't understand the weather, it was God who made it. When we didn't understand gravity, it was God who brought things down. When we didn't understand our solar system and the planets, God held and moved everything. God has been used as a gap, per se, to explain the portion of what we know and what we don't know. Thankfully modern science no longer uses this, however it is interesting to note that God only fills in the blanks rather than creating new ideas (in these instances). The presence of God in science has significantly shrunk due to our technological revolution, one could argue that sometime in the future we wouldn't need a God to explain things anymore. I look forward to that day
  20. Ezekiel 23:20 one of my favorite verses 2 Samuel 12:14 God kills babies if you piss him off "I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." Albert Einstein
  21. also 1 Corinthians 14:34 clearly states women have no place in the church http://biblehub.com/1_corinthians/14-34.htm this is fun
  22. Bernie wins Oregon, voted fraud reported in Kentucky
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