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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. homeless and not lovin it :(

  2. the attempted repealing of constitutional rights? gun control to be one. Sean can tell you all about that one c'mon dude the government is getting control over too much its painstakingly obvious to see
  3. funny thing is that Im as conservative as can be just ask Sean he'll set you straight I'm just saying that if the douchebag can't even give a speech how the hell is he supposed to lead the most powerful nation in the world? I guess we'll just resort to communism ;)
  4. speaking of cigs and beer, food stamps are a joke people never use them for what they are supposed to also, its pretty simple you can't afford it, DONT BUY IT "oh honey this house is so beautiful but its 3x higher than our budget. we can do it" that's why we're where we are at now, fucking idiot americans that dont pay attention in school
  5. oh where oh where did my reputation go oh where oh where can it be.....

  6. if you were serious about your dailymotion article then I have to say that right back at you :lol:
  7. The new S60 looks great IMO. Not sure if it has been influenced by Geely yet but Im not complaining where Volvo is going right now :tup:
  8. You ate gingers all night long? You sir, are my hero
  9. Belittle Obama through polls? He does it to himself I am...uh...talking to you today about...uhh where did my teleprompter go If you can't even speak to people without a teleprompter telling you what you say, we might as well have a monkey with a hat as the Commander in Cheif. At least a monkey can do cool tricks
  10. They never stop because we keep on getting "saviors" that everyone wants, but they actually just fuck up everything I acknowledge your point about conservatives, but riddle me this: who has run up the highest deficit in the history of our nation? We talk about billions of dollars like its nothing. All of this money to "fix" the problem and we're getting shit for it. Ladies and gentlemen, we've been duped.
  11. :ph34r: my brain... it burns.... p.s. I don't have any glue
  12. just got back from camping what did I miss?

    1. T5power


      nothing.... absolutely nothing...

  13. so I got a girl naked on chatroulette but I couldnt find the buttons to print screen buck what ghrje fuck omg its 4L47 and Im awake shitiitt
  14. so Im talking to cassie and I dont get why Im awake it doesn tmake sense
  15. why sint cassie naked yet and why am I calling people so much. I love turbo volvos and I wishI could fly 2 mikes super hard lemonades and 1 shot burbon with orange soda god I feel gooddddddd
  16. I just wanna wathc SOuth Park and be jappy holy shit chat is nt working and Im fuckighungry
  17. it's a real life troll..... :lol:


  19. haha you're a faggot

  20. best part was that I was relaying this to Billy to tinychat through facebook. die muthafuckazzzzzzzz :lol:
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