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Everything posted by Kevin.

  1. well now that I am a supporting member, I can finally say this...... FUCK YOU OBAMA! but seriously, budget cuts? Bailouts? wtf is this shit you're spending more money than any other president when you criticized Bush for his spending. SO MUCH BULLSHIT
  2. thanks again for being awesome

  3. pot and the like are for losers :lol:
  4. I just noticed the Arcade today. Looks interesting although I can't figure out the login info? Mods, help?
  5. When I was growing up, I always loved sports. Baseball was my forte, and I loved to practice and play. I was also very interested in music; since the age of 8 or so I had been actively involved in playing an instrument. As I continued to grow, I was torn between my 2 loves: sports and music. The harsh reality of sports was brought apparent once I neared the 7th grade as I broke my leg playing baseball. I was honestly too scared to play again, but I did it anyways. The next season I was put on a team that lost every game, and I'm sure you all know what I did after that. However, I continued on my musical track through middle school and onto high school. Freshman year was a turbulent year for me, as I struggled with the lack of friends and had a brush with suicide. Music kept me going though, and I continued to play in the school orchestra. Throughout middle school, I had participated in solo competitions for music; I played the contrabass clarinet. Every year of middle school I entered these solo competitions and won every time. I played in junior symphonies and orchestras and was invited to many musically themed schools. During the middle of my freshman year I had letters sent to me from colleges telling me that they were very interested in my musical abilities and wanted me to go to their college when I graduated. I was set up as far as high school and college opportunities went, and I couldn't have been happier Freshman year changed all of that. I switched schools near the end of my freshman year because of my suicide attempt, which really was for the better for me. I started at a small private school which, unfortunately, did not have an orchestra. Obviously, I missed playing in orchestras; but I didn't DO anything about it. I didn't tell my parents that I wanted to continue with something that I loved so much. And so life went on, without music in my life. I picked up playing the drums after all of this had happened, but it never was the same as playing in an orchestra. I missed the feeling of my instrument in my hands. Looking back, I wonder what I could have become. I wonder if I had stayed at public school if I could have become something that I had always wanted to become.
  6. bought me a sub 100k 2.4 NA motor for $400. It's goin in this weekend


  8. It still baffles me that ANY other country in the world will kick you out if you are an illegal immigrant but if you're in the US you get social security and a job. Sounds good to me :tup:
  9. nao a supporting member :)

  10. I like how they bring bullying into it. haha "I just don't understand how boys think that punching each other in the groin can be fun..." :lol: :lol:
  11. contemplating doing a T5 swap...hmmmmmmm

  12. hey faultywarrior....I mean Hanks haha

  13. Finishing packing then I'm moving down to Portland tomorrow
  14. Just do what you want man. Don't sit around and wait for a reply just do eeetttttt
  15. And in other news faultywarrior hit an all time high of -800 :lol:
  16. updating my resume and applying everywhere. screw this crappy economy

  17. Looks like Im gonna have to become a supporting member then. $75 eh? Who wants to be a kind soul and lend me some money? :lol:
  18. I feel so left out from the nutrients joke! Where is it so I canz leanzzzzzzz
  19. Sounds like you're allergic to the dictionary
  20. That guy is lucky he didn't get smashed. I don't know what I would do if that happened to me.... I might go into Bear Grills mode....
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