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Everything posted by adamdrives

  1. Can't post in R forum anymore but saw this http://newjersey.craigslist.org/pts/4193904049.html
  2. I didn't read through the whole thread, but will these be available for a while?
  3. What boost are you going to run? Unless you are concerned about frying the clutch, you might as well go as high as you can. Even if it slips a little bit it will be cool to see what the car is nearly capable of.
  4. Silver s60r with black trim and possible exhaust. Looks lowered and windows tinted. 18" pegs. See you up and down main street in New Paltz on weekends every once in a while.
  5. I thought the second lost momentum and I only watched the third off and on but the final conclusion was pretty fucking epic.
  6. Just watched the Swedish Millenium Trilogy (Girl with Dragon Tattoo) and here we go: Screen Shot 2013-02-28 at 2.43.52 AM by adamshoots, on Flickr 740 on what appears to be 19" Pegs Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 8.25.06 PM by adamshoots, on Flickr P2 V70 ambulance Screen Shot 2013-02-26 at 8.18.25 PM by adamshoots, on Flickr My fave, 850 police car Probably breaking some copyright laws and such here...oops.
  7. Sweet Jesus. That thing has a ridiculous rear view.
  8. Any idea why recent activity doesn't update properly? Not a big deal but annoying when I want to check up on a thread I started.
  9. Marijuana cannon. 'Nuff said. http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2013/feb/27/marijuana-cannon-us-border-seized-mexico?CMP=SOCNETTXT6965
  10. Is this the place we post cool pictures of not-necessarily Volvos? edit: checked page one. yes it is. carry on.
  11. I don't know if you guys are into poetry but sometimes I just get in the mood...it's not much but it gets the point across. Also it is not to be taken seriously. I don't really sound like this. Enjoy (or not) Oh Volvo 850 Your shape is so boxy Your dashboard so shiny and your valves they are twenty Oh Volvo 850 with taillights of starships your fenders are squarish and you turbo it screameth Oh Volvo 850 your 3 mode transmission your stellar sound system and your gauges i like them My Volvo 850 I polish it daily in my mind. Deconstruct it, then all back together.
  12. The Decrepit Picture Uploader Oh how I detest, this VS pic uploading - from a third party site gets my stomach groaning. I must find the right picture, then upload from Flickr, And then, do it all again. Why not a built in picture uploader? making life as easy as burgers with soda. All the time that we waste, In the copy and paste, Of many links makes me feel that I'm older. To the mods and the gods of this forum- Have pity, and act with decorum. For the gist of my list Is to not be so pissed Each time that I find a good photo.
  13. New content button in mobile would be very nifty.
  14. ^ looks like a good way to go out, on a 50's propellor powered ski saloon
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhjbm_iqx5M&feature=youtu.be I shot this last year on the way to Carlisle. Anyone recognize who is in the 850? I can't remember who.
  16. All I need is a 1800 for resto, a 245 for drift, a c70 for sexytimes, and an 850 to beat around in

  17. One is to switch between ambient/intake temp.
  18. I'm just a regular, everyday, normal motherfucker

  19. It's true what they say, you are the man :tup:
  20. ^Nah he was screaming bloody murder when the water started to rise lol...but it didn't go up high enough to damage the wagon...we kept some drains clear to keep the water moving
  21. Nice. It was the starter after all. Easier than f*cking around with wiring...
  22. Lol. You've never see me try to walk down there :tup:
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