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Everything posted by andyb5

  1. If that is Tcode, he posted on here for a while with some background of his car maybe 2 years ago now
  2. Belongs to a student here at RPI.....
  3. Oh what's up sunrise? Still going strong at 6 am awwwww yeahhhh
  4. And YouTube videos are finally displaying properly!
  5. In my 99 R (auto on 16s) I beat my friends '11 WRX (5 speed on 17s) auto crossing at school last fall. Our cars are a bit big/unwieldy for autocross, but it is still very fun to do and you'd be surprised how many cars you'll beat ;)
  6. Big Sox fan over here, but I haven't been real thrilled with the organization the last couple years. I have low expectations for them this year. That being said, I love seeing them beat the Yankees
  7. I love your adaptations of other Volvo parts for totally different purposes
  8. Shit, I was on VS Saturday night? I don't remember typing that at all
  9. This time last year in NY it was in the 70s with blue skies everyday, and now it is 40s with a chance of snow tonight. Crazy stuff
  10. Car bombs. After carbombs. And more carbombs. Winner.
  11. Thanks. All that's left is to do is clean up the front bumper a bit. I have a few additional things I'll do at the same time, so I'm not too worried about it.
  12. :lol: Faulty. Wonder what car he's "building" right now
  13. Speaking of not affording to miss his mark because he'd be bouncing off tress left and right.... http://youtu.be/GuIe3TZzFZk
  14. Got a new hood today, drove up to NH to grab it for $50 with grille included. I even averaged 30.2 mpg for the ~200ish mile round trip at about 55-65 mph!
  15. My mom is taking my car to the store that should be interesting Edit: She comes back and asks me "is it supposed to be that loud?" I tell her "yes that's normal" -- apparently the factory exhaust system is loud :lol:
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