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Everything posted by andyb5

  1. Worlds Fastest Dodge Caravan for sale!!!! It ran an 11.76!
  2. This might be my favorite "stance" feature ever: http://www.stanceworks.com/2011/02/american-history-part-2-inspiration/ Especially the last sentence.
  3. Yeah Delco is a serious club. And my track team here is a bit less serious than yours haha that's why we're DIII and not DI. But that 1:54 indoors is still very good, much faster than I could do
  4. Ah ok very cool..we played a Delco team at a tournament when they were like the #2 team in the country. The talent level in the mid-atlantic region blows my mind, since in RI there were enough kids for 2 good teams, and that was it. Thats still a pretty good 2 mile time, but wow, breaking 8:50 is nuts I can't fathom running that pace for 2 miles. And no to the 47 I have yet to break 50 in the 400. Ran a 50.3 my junior year in HS, didn't break 51 senior year (training wasn't as good) and haven't run sub 52 in college yet. Architecture and its related lifestyle--the general lack of sleep and associated poor diet--is killing my training and makes running a 52 seem challenging. Just knowing that in HS I did 400m repeats at 54-55 towards the end of my junior year, makes it all the more frustrating that I'm not running faster now.
  5. What club did you play for?? And yeah we traveled all over New England and into Canada for Super-Y, played tournaments up and down the entire east coast, it was kinda ridiculous but I loved every minute of it. I even played a few games in Germany with a bunch of my high school teammates the summer before my senior year I run for RPI, were in the Liberty League. We compete with St. Lawrence, RIT, Hamilton, etc. Its mostly 400s for me, but I can be competitive anywhere from 200-800 (but prefer not to run 800's )
  6. I wish I'd kept playing soccer. I used to play on a fairly high level--played Super-Y league in the summers, we went to nationals twice. I wanted to play in college, but nowhere I applied had an interest in recruiting a soccer player who planned to major in architecture I run DIII track, but still love soccer.
  7. Lookin good so far!! Was the bead blaster what you posted a mystery pic of in the "recent purchases" thread a while back??
  8. I just threw up in my mouth: http://www.autoblog.com/2011/02/27/2011-subaru-impreza-wrx-sti-convertible-worst-idea-ever/
  9. Here's my humble entry, all were taken with my P'n'S Nikon Coolpix L16 I don't do much editing, maybe just some minimal color correction. First snow last winter WWII Memorial in DC this past summer One shot of an old architecture model (Propel bottles cut up, so they're supposed to be blue) Daytona Beach sunrise 2 years ago Any criticisms and suggestions are greatly appreciated
  10. Oh my god a double rainbow post, what could this mean?
  11. Don't know about the V70R, but when the 855 T5-R debuted, it was the world's fastest wagon in any category (0-60, top speed, etc)
  12. ^^ Read and take notes: http://www.dontevenreply.com/
  13. Backwards cars: http://forums.finalgear.com/photoshopping/backwards-cars-48047/
  14. Maybe repost, but I love red-hot brakes:
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