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Everything posted by Gregg

  1. if they are H1, then go to http://www.danielsternlighting.com and order some of the Osram +50 bulbs (or equivlaent): more light output than U.S. Sylvania Silverstar bulbs and they are not too expensive either. Hands down the best & brightest H1 bulbs you can purchase without getting HIDs.
  2. the best lightbulbs to use (that are non-HID) are HIR bulbs. Chuck posted about them a little while back, so you can do a search for the thread. I think they are about $60 per side, but about double the lumen output of standard bulbs (iirc).
  3. B)--> QUOTE(Plan B @ Apr 27 2006, 03:35 PM) ←Kevin she kinda reminds me of Kevin's sister :ph34r:
  4. let me just state, for the record, that PA is not in the Northeast :P
  5. i hope the windshield mount solution is fixed, because it sucked pretty hardcore on the unit I had. All it ever did was rattle. For a $300 detector, I expected better. Even my cheapo $100 Cobra didn't make any noise
  6. Iran to hang teenage girl attacked by rapists Sat. 07 Jan 2006 Iran Focus Tehran, Iran, Jan. 07 – An Iranian court has sentenced a teenage rape victim to death by hanging after she weepingly confessed that she had unintentionally killed a man who had tried to rape both her and her niece. The state-run daily Etemaad reported on Saturday that 18-year-old Nazanin confessed to stabbing one of three men who had attacked the pair along with their boyfriends while they were spending some time in a park west of the Iranian capital in March 2005. Nazanin, who was 17 years old at the time of the incident, said that after the three men started to throw stones at them, the two girls’ boyfriends quickly escaped on their motorbikes leaving the pair helpless. She described how the three men pushed her and her 16-year-old niece Somayeh onto the ground and tried to rape them, and said that she took out a knife from her pocket and stabbed one of the men in the hand. As the girls tried to escape, the men once again attacked them, and at this point, Nazanin said, she stabbed one of the men in the chest. The teenage girl, however, broke down in tears in court as she explained that she had no intention of killing the man but was merely defending herself and her younger niece from rape, the report said. The court, however, issued on Tuesday a sentence for Nazanin to be hanged to death. Last week, a court in the city of Rasht, northern Iran, sentenced Delara Darabi to death by hanging charged with murder when she was 17 years old. Darabi has denied the charges. In August 2004, Iran’s Islamic penal system sentenced a 16-year-old girl, Atefeh Rajabi, to death after a sham trial, in which she was accused of committing “acts incompatible with chastity”. The teenage victim had no access to a lawyer at any stage and efforts by her family to retain one were to no avail. Atefeh personally defended herself and told the religious judge that he should punish those who force women into adultery, not the victims. She was eventually hanged in public in the northern town of Neka. http://www.shoutwire.com/viewstory/4701/17...eath_By_Hanging
  7. apparently not their english classes though, huh
  8. I think JCViggen has brought up the best arguments so far. Religion is more present in undereducated and low-intelligence groups. It's only a matter of time (but not in this lifetime) before science can explain in greater detail about how we evolved into humans.
  9. just poking do it - administrators are big pussies once you make them realize that you didn't actually do anything wrong
  10. me too, me too, what's mine? does this help my case at all? | | | \/
  11. That's a bunch of bullshit. There are enough people that are coming into the country legally (to the tune of about 500,000 per year I believe) vs the estimated more than 10 million illegal immigrants that showed up here last year. There is not an employment shortage, so the people that are here legally would fill jobs, even the low-end and poor paying jobs because they are still better than nothing. And whether you "think" that our economic system relies 100% on illegal immigration or not, why do you use that opinion to justify the unlawful act of illegal immigration. Just like Matt said, try hopping the border into Mexico, or any other country, and demanding what the illegals are demanding in the U.S. and see how it flies. You'll either be shot or deported immediately. Illegal immigration is basically them squatting on our property...not to mention eating up money in social programs (especially education). Bottom line, the U.S. is the best country in the world for a reason, and does not need 10+million illegal immigrants showing up and invading our country every year. In any other country in the world it would not stand. Why is it that people think because our country is the best, they have the "right" to invade it, squat on our land, and steal our money?
  12. he probably means illegal immigrants <_<
  13. I agree that it varies state to state, and that capital cases do take longer to deal with. But that is just another problem of this country. We give people too many chances. A lot of murder cases are pretty cut and dry and when convicted of 1st degree murder, I think the lowlife who did the crime should die. He took the ultimate gift (life) away from an innocent person, and now the government should take the ultimate gift away from a definitely not innocent person. I definitely do agree with capital punishment. A person murdering another individual is completely different than a convicted killer being executed. In the first case, no possible good can come of it. But in the second case, it gives the ultimate punishment for the ultimate crime, it provides closure for the victims' families, and society should feel better off knowing that there is no chance of this killer ever getting back into society. Your remark about the cost of capital cases to non-capital ones does make sense if you only consider the initial costs of the proceedings. However, when we allow prisoners, some of whom are cold-blooded murderers/rapists/etc., to sue for something like cable tv in their prisons, or the "right" to have Sony Playstation, or any other item that is considered a luxury item, one can only observe and see that our court system is monkeyed up. Prisoners who are in for life with no possibility for parole probably get kind of bored, I imagine. Quite often these inmates sue the government over petty things, or things they just outright don't deserve, and tie up the legal system and end up costing more money to taxpayers. Capital punishment also serves the purpose of freeing up space in prisons for people who commit less-heinous crimes, but that should still serve time in jail. I know that prison overpopulation is a problem in different areas of the country, and new prisons have to be built, or prisoners are sent to a different state for their sentence or part of it, quite often at a high expense to the state that does not have the room in their own prisons. Now we also have the societal costs of instances where prison guards are attacked and killed by inmates (usually who are there for life and have no future to look forward to). Then there are the cases of murderers who are sentenced to life in prison and who eventually get out and kill another person. How does one even put a dollar value on these lives?
  14. save the state and taxpayers the thousands of dollars per year that it costs to imprison someone
  15. I don't recall bypassing the word filter...it doesn't pick up "bullshit" or "god-damned" which I guess should have been spelled "goddamned". Not my fault I really didn't try to bypass anything, that is really the way I type it when I talk to people online. Yes, the world is overpopulated. Darwinism baby, survival of the fittest. I don't have any personal problems with you whatsoever, and I would never want to leave this forum, and I do appreciate everything you do to keep it going, not to mention your helpful information. But I do enjoy playing devil's advocate and having political discussions, even the occasional heated one :)
  16. Wow, I didn't realize we had a Hitler wannabe running the forum...and I'm pretty sure it is, "Political Discussions, A place to express"...one's opinion, right? Whether you agree with him or not, there is no need to threaten him with unfounded retaliatory actions by you and the other moderators just because you do not agree with his views. Why would we ignore his views? Because a moderator doesn't like them? Please. Forget about this PC bullshit. Let everyone speak their peace and everyone else not get their god-damned panties in a bunch every time they don't like what they hear. Can't we all just agree that nobody wants illegal immigrants in this country, regardless of where they came from, and leave it that? Eloquently stated by 850RSleeper or not, that seems to be the consensus here among several individuals.
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