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Everything posted by Honeyman

  1. "Kill 'em for me, Marv. Kill 'em good."
  2. Wasn't it Reagan who didn't like world events tampering with his vacations? In today's climate I can't imagine that they can get away from their office... with technology and serious current events happening all the time, there's nowhere to hide. I think that's why you can see them visibly age over a relatively short period of time. Constant pressure.
  3. http://www.wjla.com/articles/2014/01/3-charged-in-virginia-after-children-tattooed-99410.html Some more of his work. Freakin' rednecks.
  4. Sorry to see James Garner go, he was the man for a guy my age.... Rockford Files, anyone?
  5. Skew(er)ing the thread, but I'll just put this here...
  6. "Ho's with Bows" It's catchy! In all seriousness it's just more cannon fodder for our appetite for "reality tv." And sad that there is a market for such activities.
  7. This pisses me off. In my opinion, anyone who shoots elephants or big cats for sport should be dealt with and summarily go to hell. Seems to me she's another "entitled" blonde bitchlet in Texas who doesn't give a shit about anything other than her own self-serving interests. I bet her father is a Tea Party man. "Heck no, Mr. Honeyman, I gave the poor kids candy and soccer balls! It was so fulfilling to help them while I was killing some rare animals I'll never eat...oh, and do you have any Evian? I think I got some blood on my Louis Vuitton." Sheesh. What are we coming to? Ironically if she was a gap-toothed fat chick nobody would care. Hunters go to Africa to shoot big game all the time, both in a responsible fashion and not, but because she's attractive she stirs up the mobs, both pro and anti hunting types. And don't get me wrong, some times managing animal populations requires culling, but strictly for the pleasure of the hunt? Send her to the Hunger Games... her public would probably feed on that, too. Wow. Should have gone with decaf this morning.
  8. Anybody see Chloe O'Brian save Jack Bauer's ass in a V70 T5 last night on "24"? Coulda been an R, I guess. Had perfos on it. She said she hot wired it. Riiiiight.
  9. Interesting... To what amount do you believe the FBI is part of (if any) political spin?
  10. Yeah, I've seen those FBI stats (and am a little suspicious) Also haven't investigated what metrics they use to come to that. I guess I should feel 1.9% safer...
  11. I agree. We as a society have certainly displayed a need for more controls, although (as noted by others in this thread) those controls tend to feed the police/penal industrial complex that indirectly supports the perpetuating mechanism. Owning my hypocrisy, I want more controls out there, I just don't want someone telling me what I can have. I was also sorry to check out some Chicago news feeds... I can't wrap my head around it. How do you deal with what is essentially a socio-pathic sub-culture? I beat the drum too much about manners and up-bringing, but it's apparent nobody is raising these kids. And getting back to assault rifles or any firearm for that matter, obviously certain individuals should not have access to them, but the energy that drives the sinister use of them will remain to be expressed with other deadly tools. Our issues are deeper than guns. As our culture advances technologically and our population grows, the more savage we get.
  12. They were work very well, unfortunately...Yep, busted. I don't have one for that reason, and real men don't need no stinkin' radar detectors! (I could have used one last week.) 83/70. And Howard, buddy, we don't live in a nanny state, it's a nanny commonwealth. About that video, seems to me she enabled the event, the driver took the bait, and there you have it... I imagine that truck boy is probably keeping an eye out for that chick. Heck, with people, you just don't know who you're dealing with anymore. Hell hath no fury like a punked bro-truck...
  13. ^ Damnit, you punks will be there soon enough. Never am a fan of the naked air drying, though... it's the real old men... You'd think they would keep their stuff tucked away, but hey, it's generational. They're cool, that's how they swagger.
  14. Cool stuff! I have a bunch of NHT audio driven by Yamaha RX V990...nothing too special. Polks, AR, too. Am a fan of the old Onkyos. Tannoy Precision at the office If I had my elbow patches on, I'd be telling Mike how groovy my Altec "Voice of the Theatres" were... gawd. "They could jam, man" Nice pine floors, btw.
  15. With dangerous high-capacity crossword magazines, I understand those assault pencils throw some serious lead... sorry.
  16. More "ammo" for Mike.... Columbia mall shooting in Md. CNN's talking about how fucked up young people are now. (Hollywood? Parenting?) Wow, just wow. Kind of takes the pleasure out of going to the gun show today, but at least everyone's super polite there. Needless to say, I can't imagine those kids needed to be shot, by probably what, a jilted lover? Youngsters gotta find a way to deal with their rage... Maryland has stiff gun laws by the way.
  17. Nothing screams "small unit" like an over-calibered handgun. Except maybe for a big dive watch. But like us and our Volvos, it's a gun for "enthusiasts."
  18. Simunition is Canadian made? Even their bullets are nice. rimshot Sorry for the +1, I don't know what the hell I'm doing ... but I imagine those jokers hurt. Even a close quarter paint ball will leave you welting. Add that and some alcohol and you have a "real good time."
  19. Quote this Mike, my man, You're not going to get much venison jerky if you can only take weapons to the range! No, I know what you are saying, and it's a relatively reasonable list, but it should apply for urban and surburban settings exclusively. Most country/desert dudes will look at you funny with that kind of talk, because the culture is so different. Not too much gun violence in these areas, anyway. Probably because there are less people, and they're probably armed. (A silent deterrent) Barney Fife is also the problem in my view... he's the guy who is going to shoot you while you're trying to defend yourself against the real assailant. That's why you have to be so careful in consideration of carrying anything.
  20. Regardless on your stance about guns, the societal frustration/pressure is still there. If not firearms, these peckerheads would be wielding machetes, throwing Molotov cocktails or making bombs. What's worse? There are plenty of items that display lethal force. I'm tired of these fuck-wads making it difficult for the responsible gun owners. Why not just cap yourself rather than shooting at others and capping yourself?
  21. Regardless of anything it was "conduct unbecoming" for a police officer. They're supposed to be the sensible grounded ones... he could have gotten a raincheck for another movie. "Turn the other cheek", right? And kids having inappropriate access to firearms speaks to our society and how parents are not raising their kids as in generations past. These children are made more anti-social every day that they bury their noses in electronica, blasting the hell out of everything, rather than connecting with the real world at large. Sounding like my parents, they have no manners, and don't know how to "act right." Has anyone on this forum actually ever thought of bringing a firearm somewhere to shoot someone? Well, maybe jilted lovers don't count. Why someone would carry in a movie theater is beyond me, too, unless they had some misguided sense of being the hero if something came up (read as fear) ... and we see how that works out in this case. Not too well. Just to own my hypocrisy, yes, I have a permit, and have rarely carried in any social settings. (Except Whalers games in the 80's. ) If I hear gunfire I'm hitting the deck, hopefully on top of my wife.
  22. Anybody catch Jon Stewart's take on it? Amusing. As an aside, I'm waiting on Gates' book. Should be interesting... partisan, perhaps, but interesting.
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