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Everything posted by Honeyman

  1. Two years is a long time in this arena, but if not her then? It's hers to lose even if just from a contemporary cultural view. Oooh wow, first woman president... Jokingly I see her and Pelosi stirring and incanting above a political cauldron.
  2. Wait 'til Hillary comes in on her chariot. Malcontents will be guillotined...
  3. Like Dubya didn't/doesn't take his lumps? Comes with the badge, Mike!
  4. Understood. I get the big eye roll when my wife sees me in it's vicinity. In all of our years, don't think I've ever seen her partake. That's when she knows she's driving. (Hopefully with me in the car.)
  5. You got her on the wrong mountain dew.
  6. Feels good, no? Me, ACL reconstruction back in 2000. If it's just meniscus related, they can do with arthroscopy. No biggie.
  7. Will do. I wanted to suspend them over my pool table - for about twenty years now. Weak.
  8. Gee, Mike, like me you're pale enough to demand wearing a long-sleeved shirt fishing for marlin.... like some "Ex Officio" or something. (Yacht in Mexico. Damnit, man.) I hear you can get a nice tat down there...
  9. ^ Just enforce long sleeve dress code.
  10. I remember when the urethane wheels came out with sealed bearings. Man, that was some modern stuff! Growing up in the country, I really wanted to go to "Dogtown" back in the day. Wish I had kept all those skateboarding mags.
  11. Doing one-off exhausts, we used copper wire (doesn't have to be copper, of course) to establish shape, then took to exhaust shop, and had them bend to the wire. The corners may be too big to do this on, and wire too flimsy, but in any event, I'd go to a commercial "truck" shop, specifically, to see if their bender can handle the coping. If it does, then you just need make the bends/radius/length for them to follow. I think I've still got some clay wheels around here.
  12. Local building supply must love you guys... that's a lotta plywood.
  13. Thanks for the e-motivation, Mike... got off my ass yesterday, cut and divided a load with neighbor. My take home for the day, pre- splittage.
  14. Anybody else get this from Continental? Would be cool... http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?e=001BqgMsLKdjlEsfLkZ-1xa4uRv45z1nePcRFzcHs41k7Mv6IJ8XlD3sHsvPDDTaj3t9l0UZ9idAGKsStrW010qX1eWTDav7LUNYITuj11X53eJmIduopi7aA==
  15. I've tried not to watch her, but point well taken. And that's probably true of many that have achieved that office, however I do believe it serves to erode the respect of it. I write this knowing that I don't have any solutions, or suggested individuals that would necessarily improve and restore such things. Too many disparate moving parts in my view.... (So back to my cave.)
  16. Christie is an interesting study, but I believe Hillary will ride the wave of being the first potential woman President much in the same way President Obama rode the wave as the first African american one, regardless of platform. My problem with Hillary is that I saw no sense of personal responsibility as it related to Benghazi, and that she came across as being quite imperious.(imo) Of course she was applauded for standing up to her inquisitors, but as previously noted, I didn't see anywhere in which "she owned it" in the sense of it being on her watch as S of S, and wonder if she would adopt the same posture in the Oval Office.
  17. What did they expect to find after x-rays showed nothing? Drugs impersonating bowel cast?
  18. Me, too. It's Election Day in Va today and I'm not happy with anyone. Been giving Sarvis a look, but at 8% I would only be making a statement. And that would be lost in the melee. The ads and potshots between McAuliffe and Cuccinelli have been unbearable.
  19. http://edition.cnn.com/2013/10/31/us/new-york-los-angeles-cannonball-speed-record/index.html?eref=rss_mostpopular Poor Ass Monkey...
  20. ^^From the photo it looks like she would be good with disarmament talks... But seriously, Christie would be intriguing, but is there any info out there on his foreign policy stance? Brother could still drop a few.
  21. Right on, Mike, birthday brother, 3/5 is the bomb. Even if it was 1962 for me. Yeesh. Been with my wife for over twenty years... no kids. Pretty damn gray and bald, and way too familiar with that list. But I'm still out there. Playing in a Grandmaster lax tournament in Chestertown, MD next weekend- 45 and up. My mantra? "Don't get hurt." Haha.
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