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Everything posted by 850princess

  1. Oh i see we have some haters here! ya the -1 Rep really hurts LMFAO

  2. PETITION TO BRING BACK THE OLD "FOR SALE" FORUM We the people, the members of Volvospeed.com are opposed to the deletion of the "For Sale" forum found at www.volvospeed.com VS gives the option of upgrade your VS membership so you are able to get access to all aspects of Volvospeed.com Now with the new layout to buy and sell items off VS you must RE-REGISTER! Alot of people upgraded their memberships for the sole purpose of being able to buy & sell itsms in the "For Sale" forum. It has been brought to the attention of the VS members that the "suits" running VS did not approve of the "For Sale" forum and by deleting the forum and replacing it with an EBAY WANNA BE section it shows that all they want is REVENUE!!! REVENUE = MONEY MONEY = THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL What is the sense of taking away the "For Sale" forum, but keeping a "Wanted" forum? If you agree that VS should in fact bring back the old "For Sale" forum please sign your name along with a few words below. Let us make our voices be heard! First its the "For sale" forum, next it will be mandatory to have to pay a fee just to access VS ***This is a friendly petition, I believe everyone is intitled to their own opinion, hense this is mine!*** Thanking all of you VS memebers and non members in advance for helping 1 person make a difference Lee:P
  3. I bought an R front bumper for a bill 20 whoo hoo i had to rub it in lol

    send me a line loser!!!!!! :p

  4. No i havent signed up for it yet, to be honest i was turned off by the immediate similarities to the ebay site! But i gotta try everything at least once...so i am going to sign up! I cant hate until i participate To matt's comment...ya i agree some of the posts in the for sale forum were irrelevant, but what do you expect to happen in a forum? it would be an ideal world if everyone did what they were supposed to and kept all their stupid ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD comments to themselves. Lee
  5. Ok, with all the democracy and politics there is these days, dont you think its important to listen to what the people want? And doesnt every new internet selling site or forum get a high % rate at the beginning? and the majority of the replies to this topic have been negative, so where's the 20%? If i wanted to enter a bidding war for something i would just buy off ebay But it is what it is! Lee
  6. What happen to what the people want??????????? Disapproved by Brian or not, that forum got me alot of good sh*t for my ride and alot of sh*t for other ppl's rides too! The new for sale "link" or "forum" or whatever you call it is ummmmm below par i feel, and why do you have to re register if its still vs? Grrrrrr
  7. WTF?????? No more selling stuff??????? How am i supposed to get good deals on mods for my ride???? I think i speak for all us members on volvospeed when i say IF IT WASNT BROKEN WHY DID YOU FIX IT? BRING BACK THE FOR SALE FORUM PLEASE DONT MAKE ME START A PETITION! LOL This makes me think twice about the volvospeed.com banner i have on my back window! BOO
  8. Back from the dead.....actually just a really bad car accident

    1. flyfishing3
    2. 850princess


      Awww yes i am thanks for asking :) Much better now! xoxo

  9. F*cking stalker, like i dont see you checking my profile lol

    BTW i bought a new car 2004 S60 turbo of course, once i chip it, watch out! :P

  10. 850princess

    Gen 1 Corner

    Oh Sh*t, the 850's are taken over!
  11. LOL nope silly its toronto come out next year its only like 6 hours away lol
  12. P.S i gave you the info on the meet a while ago, so BOO you for not showing up!

  13. what your too good to text me back? LOSER

  14. Come on guys, a girls busy you know! xoxo

  15. 850princess

    Car Cruises & Car Shows 2010

    Pictures from Car shows and Car Cruises for the 2010 Season
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