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Everything posted by Serge

  1. That is awesome. Super glossy! What calipers are those?
  2. Hmm, is it covered in any way? I drove through a puddle with my horns in a similar location.. sounded like my horns were hitting puberty.
  3. Awesome! Would've gotten my vote if I noticed the voting thread early enough :)
  4. I KNOW!!! WHAT ARE ZE DRUNK PEEPS SUPPOSED TO DO?!?! Rachel Ray is hot...
  5. This can't be true... KEBIN KEEP IT!! STAY IN THE VO VO FAMILY!!
  6. That would be my first mod to the lights, before I even put them in. New projector...
  7. I am wondering how the P2 "VOLVO" text will look in the center of my trunk lid..
  8. Neither did I. The only thing their protest did was make me furious at the fact that I had to wait in traffic longer. And if they want to argue about anything.. I'll tell them how my parents came here legally, went to a community college to learn English and get a basic degree (even though they both have Masters degrees in engineering in Russia), cleaned people's houses to pay for that and support my sister and me... finally they got good jobs and were able to afford nice things like a house (our house is worth $1.2M, fully remodeled inside) and cars. All I'm saying is that my parents were able to accomplish things that others can as well... what my parents DIDN'T do is complain about their rights, because they took the effort to come in legally.
  9. I think I have a good half-dozen writeups in the Cosmetic section.. will add more though.
  10. Was drunk last night. And the night before that... and the night before. Few shots of stoli do nothing for me anymore. That's horrible.
  11. Drinking alone.. at home.. feels very sad and depressing. Stupid teenage angst... err wiat.. I'm not a teenager.. DAMMIT... STUPID ANGST.
  12. Wooooooohooooooooooooooooooooooo.... 750ml bottle of liquor... all for me.... finished 1/5 of it Monday... going to finish the rest tonight.
  13. I finished a bottle of Grand Marnier in less than two nights... this is going to be an expensive nightly habit ($20/bottle)... god help me.
  14. okay what's everyone drinking.. Grand Marnier is my poison tonight.. love the stuff.
  15. It's my new primary business expense... booze!!! the best sound in the world now is a glass and bottle coming down on the table
  16. I think i'll be posting in this thread very often now good moroning gentleman!!! I have joined the lets drink at 1AM to piss away our sorrows club and post about it on an INTERWEB FORUARM... woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooogooooooooooooooooooooohohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooo stuff it's been like 4 years since I had a drink at night... no one else is here... i'm talking to myself i think ..... t00t
  17. Holy crap... Quick Edit rocks.
  18. LOL! Darn.. harsh but funny.
  19. That's freakin awesome quality.
  20. There are a few funny ones, but this one takes the cake.
  21. Why? it's perhaps the funniest Flash to ever grace the Internet.
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