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Everything posted by Serge

  1. How sad.. 8am and the first thing I do is have a drink. Someone sign me up for AA.
  2. 1/4 of the bottle of K1 gone tonight. Wooooooo.... alcoholic in the making. Everyone witness it.
  3. Ah-ha!! Great success. Ketel One on the rocks. Not the way I like to drink vodka, but whatever.
  4. http://www.germain-robin.com/ Amazing stuff. Made locally in Mendecino County not too far from SF. A fantastic brandy that is nothing short of an absolute pleasure to drink. Need to get some moar!!!
  5. Dear Ketel One: Thank you for making such an amazing spirit. Signed, Ketel One Drinker
  6. Post. I missed like 20 posts in here in the past um.. 20 days.
  7. Watching Crossing Over... that girl Alice Eve is soooo hot.
  8. Trip to Yosemite yielded this damage to the car: Dead heatercore Scratched hood Fucked up carpc touchscreen from non-working AC above 100F (ac compressor clutch does not engage). All of this shit within the past 3 days and yet I had an amazing time.
  9. Undeniable proof that God exists and has given man a gift.
  10. HAAHA. True. Music: 60GB DSLR Photos: 80GB Music Videos: 20GB Development work (websites): 16GB The rest of the storage is for movies, TV shows, anything really. I also do an rsync every 5 minutes of my laptop's desktop and my docs folder, so that it's in perfect sync (that way if I ever lose my laptop, I still have all my work on there).
  11. 1.75TB of RAID 5 goodness... schweet.
  12. GOT MY TORCH!!! HAHAHAHA Omfg this thing is BRIGHT. Also got my remote trigger and 60 more D2R bulbs. Still waiting on my battery grip, John Varvatos shirt and some other misc stuff.
  13. LOL. I'm surprised no one commented on that earlier, I've been talking about flashlights for days.
  14. Fuckers. http://trkcnfrm1.smi.usps.com/PTSInternetWeb/InterLabelInquiry.do?origTrackNum=9101805213907587239103 And some other USPS packages already came... no flashlight today =[
  15. Fuck yeah! Just got my Linux software RAID 5 array working. Setup: 3x Seagate 7200.12 1TB - $269 Asus M2R32-MVP mobo - $free Athlon X2 4050e - $35 Crucial 1GB DDR2 - $10 Intel PRO/1000 Dual 1Gbit NIC - $free Antec TruBlu 480W PSU (although I heard bad things about it) - $20 2U rackmount case - $free I was going to put Ubuntu on it, but it didn't like my PCI video card I was using to get this machine setup. Ended up just downloading CentOS and installing it. The software RAID 5 works AMAZINGLY well. I was able to rip out one of the SATA drives while the whole thing is running and viola, it continues running on two drives and then once I plug it in, the system rebuilds the array if need be. All on the fly!! $350 got me a 2TB RAID 5 setup with the ability to add more drives.. not bad at all. The RAID setup is as follows: 100MB /boot on drives 1, 2, 3 as RAID 1 with one spare 1GB swap on drives 1, 2, 3 as RAID 1 with one spare 1.9TB / on drives 1, 2, 3 as RAID 5
  16. Seriously. I wish there was a site where you can leave SUPER detailed reviews about sellers.. including photos and specific events. That would be awesome. eBay might not like that idea though ;)
  17. Fucking idiot sellers. Bought an Antec PSU from some guy on eBay last Friday. Payment cleared instantly since I have over $1k in my Paypal account and if anything it goes through my CC. Email the guy numerous times, then finally get a hold of him Wednesday (three business days after it should've shipped) and he says "I was waiting for the payment to clear, I shipped it Tuesday (9th)". First thing, that's bullshit because payment cleared instantly. And finally, the package just arrived and the metered Priority Mail label says "Jun 11th" -- so he shipped it out 5 business days after he was supposed to, and 2 days after he claimed he did. Fucking idiot. I sell over $4000 worth of goods on eBay monthly as tiny little side thing and I ship out within 24 hours of payment... sometimes within as little as 2 hours.
  18. Saw this yesterday. It's what appears to be an 80s Toyota Pickup with a BMW kidney grill and roundel... wow.
  19. Proof that SF has the coolest stuff. This was a real copy of SF Weekly.
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