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Everything posted by MattyXXL

  1. Yes, the fees kill the whole thing. I found a yellow on japan partner a couple years ago, the fob price was $5200 but after fees and taxes it was over 10k. Fuck that shit
  2. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA I just tried to text that to Rob...... I couldnt do it.... Even I can be that big of a dick..
  4. Is that what the Kids are calling it these days?
  5. Sorry Mang Im an ass man, and volvo man or Courtesy of Kilroy
  6. None of the Above... I vote this one
  7. I know we will never get a android app but can we at least have a report button on mobile? Being that we have been getting slammed with spam lately.. Im usually at work at 0600 and it would be nice to be able to report with out switching to full version
  8. Damn it boobert, I responded to your email yesterday, Your work email sucks..
  9. Holy spam-tastic batman. 13 spam threads about penises.. I normally hit report but im on mobile and its a pain in the ass.
  10. That too... LMAO... But still no Android App..
  11. There is only one problem with that.... can you spot it?
  12. No issues here on SGS4 using chrome, or on the work Crackberry.. Have you cleared your browser?
  13. What browser are you using? Seems to work with the gs4 using Chrome.
  14. Pure fucking gold right there!!!!!!!!! Thank you justin! LMAO look at this guys reply!!! I think I just Pissed myself!! http://forums.vwvortex.com/showthread.php?5320564-The-official-homo-thread&s=2a84958799fced9d75944fa5ede4a19f&p=72266858&viewfull=1#post72266858
  15. No its just, you started all that shit about the "true" enthusiast and you don't even know what a 262 bertone is Im mean C'mon arent you the Coupe Queen? Guess your not a true enthusiast
  16. They are showning up more and more now... you can find them in almost every post, at least they arent as annoying as other forums where you get the pop-ups when you pass over them
  17. Try the ones in serge's kit.. they are bright as whit and work perfectly
  18. I dont think its links the Poster is posting. When you click they re direct from viglink (see below) here is another
  19. Are the random External links now a feature of the site? Like here (the word tires)
  20. Nevermind the fact that 98% of 18 wheelers are turbo
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