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Everything posted by JackS60

  1. Was just on IPD and saw this Danny FTW! (maybe this is something everyone has already seen but it was the first time for me and it made me happy)
  2. Soooo many things to reply to! First, Wait until you see a pic of my car now. The gloss black Voxx wheels are filthy. It almost makes me not want these. ....almost. These are so sick. Just too pricey for me. Love the mock though. Yummy indeed. My black amaltheas? http://alltheragefaces.com/img/faces/png/happy-i-see-what-you-did-there.png Also, I love how the lake and mountains in the background of that picture don't even look real. Lake Cushman <3
  3. Agree 100000000% Also, Taylor I think it's clear from everyone's input that my wheels would both work and look good on your car. So why don't you just buy them already? $200 and I'll come deliver them to you myself.
  4. Must. Go, Buy. Black. Clothes. XD Maybe...all I know is that the Voxx's I'm running on right now are the exact same size and they are 17X7s. Those were also originally done for the V70 and mine came on the S60, not sure if that makes a difference though...
  5. You sure? I think mine are just 17x7s. Not 7.5.
  6. Do what the almighty Kraske says Taylor! ...I swear guys, this guy is a genius. Installed my spoiler today in minutes like a baussssssssss
  7. Well actually now everything smells like dog poo to taylor LOL, you're probably right actually In other news, my car now has the spoiler on. Now just have to wait a few more weeks to wash and wax. Then pics will be up.
  8. Gosh I hate the internet sometimes. The truth can get lost so easily... As with everyone else I believe, not sure what is going on. Just hoping this gets resolved quickly.
  9. It is indeed. I'm out as well. Peace out bros.
  10. What in the name of Tebow is going on???
  11. Whether he's actually drunk or not doesn't matter. He's downright hilarious XD
  12. yeahhhh....I was laughing so hard. It was right after you insisted I go look at your volvo on facebook. I swear every night I'm going to get on chat just to see what you say LOL
  13. Jesus dude last night on chat you said you were coming back to seattle in a year and you'd bring your footlong dildo, then you just said "bbl" and never came back. WTF?!?!?! XD hahahaha soooooooo very drunk
  14. Not using tape and using a body shop. Matt and I are going to check it out tomorrow.
  15. Now that I looked through everything again, it looks like there's something here that may indeed be a template. Matt will undoubtedly check it out tomorrow. I might be crazy... Body shop=$$$ and I don't have $$$ :(
  16. I feel you. Oh well. Anyone else interested, hit me up!
  17. Ummmm no. I don't want the silver ones. And as I just found out, mounting costs about $100, so I would then need $300. Because I'm looking to get 200 for my black ones. I put hard work into making these babies black and they look pro. Get them then! ;)
  18. The 17' flat black amaltheas are coming off my car in the next 24 hours and are now for sale. Kalvin......you know you want them for next winter ;)
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