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Everything posted by JackS60

  1. These Oregon uniforms are f'in awesome. Especially the helmets which make them look like machines. Then again, their offense is a well oiled machine. What a game! @Halftime
  2. Just watched the "Legendary Meal Time" videos for the first time. They are never getting posted anywhere hahahahhaa.
  3. Thankfully you threw up on yourself, not my house XD
  4. Oh it's a joke! Take most things I say lightly, especially on a holiday :)
  5. I know...it must be disappointing to not be smart LOL
  6. No, I just drank a bunch of water right before I went to sleep. It's called being smart.
  7. Duuuuuuuuude!!! I fell asleep to that last night! I told you, it's a great movie to watch while sad.
  8. I don't know why people hate on the Ducks uniforms. I love them. Those jerseys are so filthy.
  9. I'll be back in the afternoon as well from vacation. If you wanna come kick it, I live in Fremont.
  10. this thread sure is living up to its name hahaha
  11. Holy stuff dude, you alright? Watch out for any internal bleeding.
  12. I guess I don't know him well enough then, but traditionally, when it seems like someone needs support, I'm there. Publicly or privately. So Kevin, if you do actually need some support, hit me up. I think we're FB friends.
  13. Everyone wants happiness, no one wants pain. But you can't have a rainbow without a little rain. I was depressed in 2007 and 2008 man, I know how stuff goes sometimes. You just gotta keep your head up and keep fighting. Not sure if it will help you but it helped me a lot, I watched Castaway over and over and one line reverberated through me and really helped pull me up. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qaA_fSYfmTQ (3:20-end) And Spence, when you're in a dark place, you try to get help from anyone you can. Not sure if this is where he's coming from exactly, but it takes strength to come out and talk about feelings and call for some friends. I don't think this is "too deep" or whatever from this thread. If he's looking for us to be there for him, we should be there. All of us.
  14. Santa Claus is going to rip your heart out D:<
  15. Austin you can't be serious about going to Vegas and getting married. I may be 19 and naive but even I know that's crazy. Wait.
  16. Miami Marlins LF Logan Morrison just posted to Twitter that Prince Fielder to the Mariners is a done deal. What a joker, because the deal is apparently non-existent right now. Logan Morrison is now one of my worst enemies D:<
  17. Bachelor status in indeed the way to go Agreed, not too much at all. I know how you feel man, but missing is a temporary thing. My advice? Get back on the horse and go out with other girls. It helps you forget and get over her a lot faster than staying single and not doing anything, trust me haha.
  18. I remember you telling me about this @ Taco Del Mar bro. Since I live with a girl who's like my sister, I had faith you could make it work too. But when the girl is just totally fudging nuts, there's not much you can do. I had my ex stay live with me for 2 weeks back in April and it only took 2 weeks for me to kick her out. So props you made it last this long! Did you ever get booty? Hahahaha cause that would have made it all that much more worth it Single is the only way to go until after college. Getting locked down is scary. I used to be engaged to a girl basically and it ended badly and crippled me emotionally. The only way to go is up though. For you, I think you got the perfect attitude. Good on ya. Keep your head up. Also, girls NEVER rearrange a guy's furniture. Right when my sis moved in I told her this forcefully haha! It's against Man-Law.
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