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Everything posted by JackS60

  1. Yea, but in December the reason I popped it was because I hit a 3 foot deep pothole going 15mph. No exaggeration.
  2. Well here's the funny thing (and the backstory) I was driving down I-5 and had to use I-90 to get the Kirkland because 520 was closed. I was right before the Mercer exit when I heard a weird thudish-crack towards to rear of my car. Although it was a scary sound, I didn't feel anything different, so I kept driving. Then I was on the middle of I-90 and I heard a GIANT crack-pop-bam. Immediately I could feel the tire had blown so I knew I had to get off. I tried to get off at Factoria but some ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD wouldn't let me merge in. So I kept going to Bellevue. I got off and ended up parking in a vacant lot right across from the -get this- Barrier Volvo. I was then changing my spare tire and a concerned cop came up and checked on me. But, in all, I got the spare on and was about to get to Kirkland then back home safe. Going back to the sounds though, Matt and I feel I may have hit something on I-5, then the sidewall popped on I-90. There's a weird scrape on the inside of my wheel well that I feel came from whatever I hit. Stinks about popping it on I-5 but that's awesome you got a new one! Matt, I just realize something. My dad changed all the tires in January of 2010 before I got the car. Then in December I popped my front right tire and had to get it replaced. So actually, I don't think there's any warranty on it, cause it'd have to be from last January. It's alright, could be worse. Had a dream all my tires popped. Just thankful that didn't happen.
  3. Just found out popping a tire in the middle of the I-90 bridge is the most annoying thing ever. Awesome night indeed.
  4. I just made a replica of my car in the video game, Forza 3. Every little decal and all. I think I'm getting a bit obsessed haha XD
  5. Hmmmm "sex monster", has a nice little ring to it.
  6. Dude that's what I've been saying. Go with the blue! :D
  7. HAHAHAHA!!! This was just Christmas in July!!! Matt, that was the greatest surprise. So just so everyone knows, the fireplace is off to the right of the couch. The bumper is right now in front of the fireplace. It's getting painted soon then going on very soon afterwards! So...the springs came in when I was out of the house. Matt got them and put them right in front of the bumper, in plain sight from the couch. So I came home and sat down and checked my email. I was sitting there for seriously, 30 minutes and didn't once look over and see the springs, 5 feet away. Pretty hilarious. So then after sitting there for a half hour, Matt yells out to me "Hey have you checked VS lately?" I said "No, why?" And he said "oh, nothing much, just been talking about you..." He said that, of course, in a way that made me think something bad happened. So I immediately got on VS and saw his post, then looked over and FINALLY saw them! Hahahaha!!! Thank you Matt :P
  8. This was about the greatest thing I've ever seen XD HAHAHA!
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