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Everything posted by JackS60

  1. Great. Then just let me know when I can pick them up. Monday after 4:30 and any time Tuesday are the best (and earliest) for me. Also, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY TO ALL MOMS!!!
  2. I was saying no simply because Matt and I had a good situation all figured out. He messaged me and we set the whole swap up quickly, simply, and perfectly and it would work great for my plan for IPD since I'm staying in Olympia Friday night. That's why I was saying no. Since our swap surprisingly fell apart (literally with the wheels), I'm falling back to your offer. Picking them up is no problem for me. I can get them as early as tomorrow late afternoon. Which Volvo do you work at, Seattle or Ravenna?
  3. Ok so here's the dealio. I was good with my situation for IPD because I was going to run on Matt's black pegs (as a surprise). That is no longer an option anymore. Any chance I could run on your pegs for IPD??? It would really help to see them on my car to see if I want your Pegs or the other guy's 2011 wheels. Right now I'm trying to sell a bunch of stuff in my house to make money for the wheels. 500 is indeed a good deal.
  4. Haha I'm just inquiring. I'm 95% not interested.
  5. Ah...well it's okay. How much are you puting them on CL for?
  6. Give him each of those names. If he's interested in any of them, I'll give more details. Most are different sizes and prices. Nope, thanks anyway :)
  7. Sports jerseys for: Brandon Roy, Jim Rice, Curt Schilling, Johnny Damon, Terrell Owens, Reggie Bush, Matt Leinart, and Brandon Webb, furniture (chairs, cabinets, stools, tables), $15 star bucks gift card, $50 mariners gift card, iPod speakers, and a Droid X for Verizon with cases and cords. PLEASE BUY! Help me get new wheels please!!! I'm fine with my current situation for IPD.
  8. STOP IT. STOP IT. STOP IT. I have found great wheels to buy to very cheap. I can no longer be temped by your glorious wheels!!!
  9. Parents dont want me to. They want me to focus on my internship and school.
  10. Not sure. Right now I'm walking around my condo taking pictures of everything I could part with (that's shipable)
  11. So the guy just dropped the price to $500 because I "really want them". And now we're negotiating other things including Red Sox and other sports jerseys, gift cards, furniture, and other stuff, for the wheels. Which means I could indeed keep the Voxxes as winters and have those. Wow.
  12. I can get these for my wheels + 100. New tires.
  13. Not when everything I see will cost my legs.
  14. Anyone know if these will fit on an 02 S60? http://forums.turbobricks.com/showthread.php?t=256428
  15. Yea. I'll keep tryin to sell my setup but if I have to keep the Voxxes, that's okay.
  16. 17s..... I've seen like 3 FS on SS in the last couple weeks and they're such a teaser. I may not be looking anymore anyways.
  17. Good to know. Parents just always got white so when I moved out, I didn't know any different. Like you said...the more you know :)
  18. I really appreciate the help. I think I'll switch to wheat just in case as an addition. At that point, I'll be good.
  19. No cereal (because I'm staying away from milk), no donuts (don't need the extra weight), and rice once every 2-3 weeks with a curry. I can cut the rice out obviously. The bread is tough cause I have sandwiches on white bread nearly every day. Would changing to wheat help you think?
  20. Well I'm already kinda deep in and 50-70% of what I've heard says in the end, it'll be great. So I'm going through with it. I deem the end results to be more important than the negatives right now. But still, I'd tell other to exhaust all other options before doing this. Alrighty thanks. Going to my doc today so I'll ask her.
  21. Okay well my doctor who put me on accutane told me I should cut back on dairy but other than that, there's nothing to avoid.
  22. Kevin, it has been confirmed by dermatologists that the only drinkable/eatable thing that has been linked to acne is certain types of milk and a few dairy products. Which I already don't drink/eat. So a change in diet makes no difference for me. In fact, you would know that if you really did take accutane because the doctor tells you all the details- one of which is that you don't need to stay away from most foods. They say you should eat more fish though, which I've started doing. I'm 23 days in and it's messing me up emotionally/physically/ect. The diagrams are hilarious. I'm pushing through. Normally people take 40-80 mgs a day, and it progresses throughout the treatment. I'm taking 100 mgs day 1 through day 60. So yea, it's hell. But before we get in another huge argument, I'm jumping out. I was just recommending nobody take it. It's hell.
  23. Also, an unrelated announcement to all- NEVER take accutane for acne problems.
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