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Everything posted by pdlarson

  1. I thought it was never recommended to tow with a turbo but I'm always surprised to see so many hitches installed on turbo Volvos. Be careful, take it easy while towing and good luck with the new job, home, well new almost everything!
  2. I thought the Bushism was 'Murica but anyway, yes, red white and blue. Blipshift just had a T shirt with three American muscle cars in that order. http://blipshift.com/products/f-yeah?utm_source=blipshift+Updates&utm_campaign=1f23454ed3-F_Yeah7_2_2013&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_0513fd2cb9-1f23454ed3-345761741 It's not available anymore so I'm not advertising, I just can't get image links on the iPad to add to a post, damn iPad!
  3. Yep, awful. And like Fudgie, just not sure what to say to that but to think quietly to myself about their families. I'm in Montana and have been to the Smokejumper Center in MIssoula where there is a memorial to the 13 (12 smokejumpers and one other firefighter) who died in the Mann Gulch fire in 1949. I think what these people do and the guts they have is so alien to most of us ordinary folk who run away from fires. Well I did once run into a garage that a truck had just crashed through and I knew the truck full of lawn equipment and gas cans was dangerous but I was never thinking of that when I was running in there to check on the incapacitated driver. But jumping out of a perfectly good airplane into a forest fire, that is incredible and takes a special kind of person indeed.
  4. If the SHTF, guns get gold, gold gets ammo. Better get some guns, clips, ammo AND silver and gold! I'm not really into all that SHTF, dollar will crash, zombie apocalypse hysteria but the shiny sure is pretty.
  5. Buy a bunch of these http://www.providentmetals.com/10-ozt-silver-bar-ntr-metals.html and maybe a few of these http://www.apmex.com/Product/3/1_4_oz_Gold_American_Eagle_Random_Year.aspx and find a safe place to hide them.
  6. Inglourious Basterds, great movie, easily misunderstood, it's only a movie! Anyway, love the movie and the bar scene is great; how this Gestapo dude figured out the Americans discuised as Germans were not German, excellent! "Drei Gläser"
  7. Lawyer mode. That's what I call it when you can just tell stuff is the way it is because of lawyers or fear of litigation. My Chevy is awful about lawyer mode. Memory seat functions only work in park, same for the adjustable pedals, the touchscreen nav functions are severely restricted while moving over 5MPH, and lots of other B.S. like that. And you just know it is because someone will plow through a crowd of people and blame it on the memory seat went nuts or whatever feature that they didn't understand. The trouble is the idiots can kill us too but I still hate lawyer mode!!! Why don't sharks eat lawyers... ...Profesional courtesy
  8. Wait for it... There's a unicorn in the video. "I'll be needin' some help to bedazzle this horse..." LOL!
  9. Nope, don't even see it. I thought y'all were talking about v70r.com. Now I have to support so I can get in there and read all about that weirdo PDLarson :)
  10. So "the R forum" and v70r.com are not the same thing? I have not tried to post or even login to v70r.com but I've been able to browse. ~confused in Montana~
  11. So dumb Q, where is the CL thread in the R forum? I looked around a bit and didn't see it. I had stumbled upon it once but can't remember where it's at. *Loser* ~ doesn't have an R :(
  12. That sucks but how many kids did this safely that he didn't work on? When I was young, I had my arm out as often as I could. How often do things pass within a kids reach of a car. Seems slim chances to me. I saw a nice S70 GLT for sale and took a pic. Can I post that is FS just FYI or is that not cool? Caution, drinking water may cause you to urinate.
  13. Are you freakin' kidding me!? I've seen stupid disclaimers and warnings but come on!!! I just saw this on a BMW 5 series ad. Sad sad sad
  14. "Rouillon and his team spent years measuring the changes in the breasts of 330 women using a simple slide rule and caliper..." I've been doing the same thing, no tools needed, save eyes and hands Seriously though, guys not doing this are in the wrong line of work, damn! Yeah honey, I have to go to work, yep, measuring more breasts! LOfreakinL!!!
  15. One of the best paragraphs I have read In a long time. Not the detail of any specific religion but really well written and the insight of the last sentence is beautiful.
  16. Yep, I have a 4yr old and I too totally get it. Sometimes crying because he is awake! Tonight he didn't like the different sauce on the meatballs. One thing I won't do is eat while he is lying on the floor screaming so I carried him to bed and shut the door!
  17. Actually we have an "extra" phone at work. We are on a corporate plan and if we reduce the number of phones the package changes and we would end up paying more so we keep the "extra" around for no other reason. It has unlimited minutes, SMS, MMS, etc. Not a smart phone but a cool perk for a 6th grader. Of course when I say I'll keep the phone "around" nobody asked what that meant. I guess as long as I know where it's at then it is all good!
  18. Testing posting images from the ipad so if I mess this up, well, I guess it failed! My 11 year old son texted this to me the other day. A nearby S80 on the way to school got new plates...
  19. OMFG, 21 tonight. The other day, sunny and 38. Now that was shorts weather! Relatively speaking anyway. After our winters, 38 feels pretty fk'n good!!! Although the coldest I've ever been was in SoCal. The humidity can make 50s seem pretty damn cold. When I was a kid, 60 miles on a freeway in the back of a pickup truck, adults in front, kids in the open bed on a cold nite, dressed for daytime play but late at night with the wind, it was miserable. The good ol' days. Now I suppose parents who do that would be locked up.
  20. Sorry to hear that? Or maybe you meant a previous bf.
  21. I take a pic of every VIN plate (the one on the inner fender) of all the cars I pull stuff from. Lame but has come in handy.
  22. VMZoller's S70: her oversize purse on wheels. Seriously though, I carry most of he same things. My car came with the pocket but I had no idea what it was called. When I first started reading about map pockets I was like WTF is a map pocket, some elastic thing that hangs from the door panel.
  23. Downforce, yeah right, but the Powerpuff girl will kick A S S. Powerpuff girls, the quilty pleasure on my DVR. YOU GO BUTTERCUP!!! Or guilty pleasure, freakin' ipad!
  24. 297,000, NICE! And about driving and taking pics, what's he supposed to do, stop? RIDICULOUS!!!
  25. That's good to know and hopefully true but you also know some a-hole is going to mount winter tires to steel ford wheels and put them on their Volvo with lame Fusion hubcaps. Or do a tire stretch onto Focus wheels with a messed up offset and with tires three sizes too narrow and think they're the bomb!
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