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Everything posted by JOHN_CENA

  1. http://www.ebay.com/itm/Other-Makes-GV-Base-Hatchback-3-Door-1987-yugo-gv-with-thundercat-900-snowmobile-engine-/281484670054?forcerrptr=true&hash=item4189cb3466&item=281484670054&pt=US_Cars_Trucks Yugo. Snow Mobile Engine.
  2. hell yes, AWD conversion + driving manual transmission and clutch = perfect launches every time
  3. same thing i thought. the cabin foward design was confusing as well
  4. That 14k Titanium S60R on swedespeed that took months to sell finally sold http://forums.swedespeed.com/showthread.php?159651-Smartphone-Shot-of-the-Day/page390
  5. Ugh, fuck P2R NAV systems. Trying to get mine working. No dice. Literally and figuratively.
  6. This is one funny ass read, drew magary is one of the best writers out there http://deadspin.com/5954947/do-not-touch-daddys-electronics
  7. needs moar monster energy drink sponsorship and DC shoes definitely DC shoes
  8. God that was a horrible design, I ended up using a cut off tool on the original bolts then used new bolts and some washers
  9. Haha, I literally spent a good hour reading about it. Its both interesting / sad / fascinating at the same time
  10. I don't know why, but I find the Chernobyl disaster so interesting
  11. 69 mm bruh Or use 20 mm in the back, 15 front. That's what I run on the VR, but I'm stock height You would probably have to roll fenders
  12. She may have died, but her face will live on
  13. x2, I felt uncomfortable pretty much whenever she spoke
  14. http://empirenews.net/actress-betty-white-92-dyes-peacefully-in-her-los-angeles-home/
  15. If you really think about it.. ...its still not finished
  16. I saw it on the Volvo sub reddit, as well as the FB group, too lazy to find it, but its there
  17. Haha, I saw that particular picture and had to laugh. When I went to Romania in 1998 (9 years after communism fell), 9/10 cars were a Dacia 1310 / 1410 (Rebranded R12). When I went to Romania in 2011, I was hard pressed to find one of them, maybe 1 out of every 30 cars was a 1310
  18. Justin, the go to man for dating advice
  19. dammit pittsburgh, the butthole of PA
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