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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. The latest update, Android 5.0 lollipop.
  2. This should go in the "List Something That Pissed You Off" thread, but hopefully more will respond here... Any of you guys that have a Samsung S5 phone pissed off about the recent update? A phone that was incredible is now insanely buggy, voicemail layout is borderline idiotic (can't use it w/out accidentally calling someone or canceling the voicemail), and the worst part is the battery life now. My battery used to make it a day and half, 2 days; now I'm lucky to get 9 hours out of it. Trying to figure make sense out of why in the world they did it; nothing changed for the better and now it's a POS. My son's S4 mops the floor with my S5 now. Called Verizon, they told me Samsung is working on releasing a new update ASAP, but didn't know exactly when it would be released. This should get interesting; at this point, IMO, this phone is defective. I think I'll give Verizon about 2 weeks, then they'll be getting me a new phone (that isn't an S5) that's at least equal to what the S5 should be.
  3. Good call, that's the only reason I get those channels myself. What else is there? Orphan Black or whatever that stupid show is? Star Trek reruns?
  4. Up to a year ago I guess Jeremy was 30% owner of Top Gear (not positive on that though). Once BBC bought him out for 12 million, this crap all started. My guess is most of this has something to do with the politics behind the buyout. They'll have to search far and wide to replace Jeremy IMO, the Aussie version is OK but hardly good, and the American version is worse than most of those idiotic car shows on Velocity. I hope he either comes back (which obviously doesn't look like it's going to happen), or James and Richard walk with him and they all start another show together.
  5. Mainly iPd or FCP for me. I hate paying shipping though, and they both charge a lot. I think FCP's shipping is less than iPd's IIRC, but could be wrong on that.
  6. Picked up a Spectral DMC-5 preamp and a modified Carver 1.5t amplifier from a friend of mine for my music system. I was using a B&K Reference 50 preamp and an Adcom 5500 amp and those sounded good together, but I can't believe the difference the Spectral preamp makes over the B&K, it's almost like it lets too much through. And for as small and light as it is, the Carver amp definitely has more oomph than the huge Adcom. Next will be building a bar, with this built into it, rather than the table it's on now. Doing this freed up my old system, so I put it in my shop. Overkill for a shop system for sure, but I love it.
  7. No one has actually said that's what happened. And I like the show because of his fat old bigot ass, so put that in your pipe and smoke it I agree, too much money at stake there.
  8. Time to rant... Not sure how many of you guys here watch Top Gear, but if you do I'm sure you've heard what's going on. If not, here's a link to get you started. http://www.mirror.co.uk/tv/tv-news/top-gears-richard-hammond-james-5360997 I find it ironic that Jeremy has come under so much fire from BBC about his off-color humor, so much they threatened to fire him. The irony (to me) is that IMO, that's what makes that show what it is. I don't watch that for a dose of reality, I watch cuz it's funny and I love cars. Without his humor, it's just another stupid car show. I'm completely SICK of the PC BS in the world today. Bunch of thin-skinned pansies that can't take a joke. Even if it isn't a joke, man up and get over it. That's one of the things I like about this forum; diplomacy and PC goes right out the window. Just for the record, I'm not a Hollywood moviestar follower at all, I probably couldn't care less what's going on over there. But I am sick of all the PC, bunch of whiney azz DB's that need to get over themselves.
  9. Don't street race; naughty, bad, bad, bad... but if you do, record it cuz it's awesome to watch.
  10. It was IE. FireFox is back in control. Haven't been on in a while. How was Elton John? CES was incredible.
  11. I can't quote for some reason so @ kampman... They're Eminence Definimax ULF woofers, which are pro-audio subs. We're driving them with 2 Crown XTi 1002 amps, one amp bridged per sub. They're super clean and very loud, but they don't play super low. For example; Talking Heads, Burning Down the House will rattle the windows in the church, but Katy Perry's Dark Horse isn't anywhere near as boomy as it should be. These subs drop quick below about 35 hz. @ v4lve... Kimber is beautiful wire, but my pockets aren't deep enough to justify the price of entry. If I had money to burn, I'd go either Kimber or Nordhost but it wouldn't be because I expected huge improvements in sound quality .
  12. I can no longer quote, I can't even copy and paste. Is this an internet explorer thing? I got rid of FireFox.
  13. Finished these up last night. Subs for our church, it's considered a ABC cabinet (kind of like a bandpass). I worked with the guy at Eminence to design them and went this route because these supposedly give close to horn loaded subwoofer output in a smaller cabinet. Finished them late last night so I haven't had a chance to test them, that'll be tonight. Hoping to do damage to my house's foundation with these monsters. Speaking of interconnects... I've never been a money spender when it comes to wire. Make sure the gauge is good, and the ends are terminated well and that's all that matters IMO. I make my own RCAs and speaker wire, if it's a digital cable I buy the cheapest option available. This is some speaker wire I made for these subs, soldered to the Speakon connector. I braided it because I like the way it looks, plus I didn't have any 12 gauge wire around so I used 2 strands of 14 gauge (which gives me ~11 gauge), braiding doesn't give any acoustic rewards whatsoever.
  14. Love that color, car looks awesome. Are you putting the panels back on? Can't wait to see this done.
  15. That stinks but there will be others. These are FINALLY almost done, I started these in June and just want them out of my garage; they still need one more coat of clear. Building them for my parent's cottage, we spend a lot of time there. Going to also make stands using boat oars for the supports; still trying to figure that one out. My parents have a Chris Craft Launch 22 boat, I tried to mimic that color scheme. This is a pic of the boat (not the actual boat, just a pic I found)
  16. IMO, I would find a nice, used player on eBay. You could put it under your record player and on that shelf it wouldn't really be that obtrusive. For example, this was $2k back in 2005. As a DVD player it's fairly obsolete now because there's no HDMI it isn't Blu-Ray, but for 2 channel stereo music (or even 5.1 SACD playback, but you don't use that) you'll be hard pressed to find one with better audio playback. And short of Blu-Ray Audio, it'll play almost every format out there. This would mop the floor with any of the little ones that are out there in terms of sound quality. Only 12 hours left on this just FYI Marantz DV9500 on eBay Edit: Just looked that up and it does have HDMI (but still not Blu-Ray). That's a nice player for cheap.
  17. Just curious why you want a mini CD player? Not saying there's necessarily anything wrong with that, just curious mainly. Where are you using it?
  18. I love it when people put bags of salt in their trunk or in the bed of their pickup. Good thinking...
  19. Out of the 3 the Mustang looks the best, but I think it's the rear quarters on those 3 cars that get me. It's like they're not proportioned with rest of the car, or maybe too rounded or something. They just don't flow well to me.
  20. And the Catera is a variant of the Opel Omega; doesn't take the ugly out of it.
  21. That 94 Mustang... yuck. Definitely one of the ugliest cars ever made. Perhaps a tie for ugly would be the 95 Camaro (don't think this was in Paul's garage) And while I'm at it, what was GM thinking with this?? Looks like a 2 door Cadillac Catera.
  22. I'm absolutely for the death sentence in certain cases, but I've been shocked when I read or heard stories of cases with "absolute proof" being wrong before too. As far as using the death sentence to eliminate overcrowding in prisons, that wouldn't have enough effect to justify it as the means to the end. We need to reform our ridiculous "drunk" driving laws. The prisons aren't filled with rapists, murderers and pedophiles; the majority are drunks, drug addicts and dead beat parents. Just out of curiosity, who went through here with all the completely random negs??
  23. Very true, and that applies to a lot of the DIY stuff. This looks like a pretty cool idea. Imagine this with a 15" sub in it.
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