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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. I know it from when my wife fills it and "accidentally" puts 87 in. She doesn't do that anymore cuz I'd call her out every time, I'd get a few miles from my house when I drove it and could tell just based on performance that she used 87 when she filled it.
  2. I can tell if I'm getting 87 vs 93, my car runs different. I won't use any of the Mobil gas near me, complete crap.
  3. That's the (possibly?) the most idiotic thing I've read. It's called a 2x4 because that's what size it is before it's finish milled. That's also why a 1x4 piece of whatever is only 3/4" x 3 1/2". Think of the doors that'll open up for lawsuits. And who's going to pay??
  4. Jay Adams was one of my favorite skaters. If you've never seen Dogtown and Z-boys, its a great documentary about how the Socal skate scene came about. Never got big into longboarding, but I love it. Super intense and easy to get completely ruined. Here's another good LB vid. Skip ahead to 1 minute...
  5. ^^That was awesome. For contrast, here's one. Looks like his 6 or so year old son was afraid to drop in, so he pushed him off. This guy needs to get pushed off the edge of the halfpipe that doesn't lead into the transition, then have someone waiting at the bottom to stomp his face American History X style.
  6. Because Miami Vice... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMfbMoJnY5g
  7. skateboardspeed.com... Ben Raybourn isn't human.
  8. I completely agree for the most part, but I still like to go and see what's new. Except it isn't the old guys that are the ones that buy into all the snake oil BS, its actually the younger ones that'll sit there and argue about 'skin effect' in speaker wire and idiotic crap like that. The shows are still fun, a lot of the venues will play music if you bring it. Just don't wander in w/ an ipod, you'll get written off at that point.
  9. Its an awesome system for sure, well done and very classy. My living room sucks, its an acoustical nightmare and its too small . I heard some planar speakers a couple years ago at an AXPONA show in Chicago and on axis they were among some of the best sounding speakers there. Pretty hefty price tag though, around $40k for the pair IIRC. I'll be going to this year's AXPONA show this coming weekend in Chicago again. Its a great opportunity to sit in front of $500k systems and drool. I can only take so much of that though, WAY too many female jazz tunes playing at those things. There was a point where I was contemplating jumping out of a 4th story window if I heard one more Diana Krall or Jaimee Paul song.
  10. I wish I had a room for Electrostatic or planar speakers as well, but I could never make them work. My only issue w/ them is as soon as you're off axis, the sound isn't as good. Phenomenal on axis (maybe the best I've heard), but off axis not so much.
  11. Yes, but shipping will probably be a killer on something like that. Is the cone bad or is it the foam surround? These guys are good. I also have someone here locally but I honestly think these guys are better. http://www.parts-express.com/speakerrepaircenter
  12. Done. Once they get flown in the church I'll post up some better pics. Next up is a pair of 15" subs in horn loaded cabinets once the church gets the budget.
  13. Making its way out of hibernation. Almost time to beat this thing like a rented Ford Focus.
  14. Nothing says class like gold teeth.
  15. Took my 14 year old son skating last night (had a "family friendly" session at the bowl). He killed it, it was super fun. He had a riot and I let him stay out w/ me till like 11:30 on a school night. I'm sure he's paying for it now but it was worth it, he gets great grades and he's a great kid. My buddy took pics, I'll post them if or when he sends them to me. Also chiseled what was literally 6" to 8" of ice off my spine ramp last Sunday and skated that Monday. Spring is good!!
  16. Exactly my point originally w/out giving it too much thought.
  17. Someone must have been in the boat, otherwise that's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. Anyone that's ever wakesurfed knows how easy it is to accidentally trail off the wake, then its "by boat", as it drives into the rocky shore.
  18. I actually would be OK w/ no speed limits on certain roads and higher limits on others; and this isn't coming from some dumb kid that just wants to speed. Every day I drive to and from work down a rural country road where the speed limit is 55 MPH. I've never almost been killed by someone because they were speeding; its either someone texting or some senior citizen turning in front of me or pulling out in front of me when I'm going 60 MPH. The one that's truly dangerous is when one of them speeds up simply because they don't like getting passed. Curious what you're basing us having "much lower driver's license standards" and being "much worse drivers" on. My original statement was based on ridiculous fines for remedial offenses, refer back to the post "speed kills... your pocket book" (wherever it is here) for some evidence. You saying my original statement implies we should just eliminate driving laws altogether shows your level of intelligence. I have a radar detector and use it every day. I don't use it so I can go 150 all the time, everywhere I go; I use it so I can relax while I'm driving (for the most part). I don't think I'm a threat to society when I'm going 65 in a 55.
  19. And I think using law enforcement as a way to generate revenue is pretty outrageous, so I use the radar detector.
  20. Before the Lincoln I have now I used to have a Blue Point (Snap On) mig welder. I couldn't get a decent bead out of that Blue Point if my life depended on it, the Lincoln is perfect. What you're welding makes a huge difference on how good it welds too. For instance, if you welding 1/4 panels or patch panels on a car its going to look awful when its done, just because you can't flow a good bead or you'll get the steel too hot and it'll warp. So you have to spot it in all over the place. Thin steel is almost impossible for me to weld. I tried tig welding w/ my buddy's welder and that's an art that I can't seem to get.
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