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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. I'd plus that one a thousand times if I could!! Hope the guy beats those dirty bastids
  2. That video is sick. I don't see how he's human. I love skateboarding
  3. What I want to do when I'm stuck in traffic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TjprIP5IKaM
  4. This never gets old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhRUe-gz690
  5. I'm the production manager for a plastics recycling plant, been here for 5 years now. Came here after my custom cabinet business went to crap in 09. I pay plenty of taxes too, and I don't mind when that money goes to those less fortunate, it's when it goes to lazy crack heads that I get mad. Unfortunately I'm not allowed to post over there. What do you have to do to be able to? I assume donate, but what's the donation?
  6. No, I believe the implications of the Benghazi incident are a large concern; but thanks for answering my question, I see you do think it should just get swept under the rug. And yes, Obama should've been on top of the Benghazi incident, that's not insignificant like buying nuts and bolts to fix whitehouse furniture. How's the Obama healthcare plan working out for you BTW? I remember about 9 years ago when I had a $10 co-pay and my insurance was about 1/3 what it costs now. Now, in addition to it going up 3 times, I have a $5k deductable on some bs insurance I can hardly afford and it's only projected to get worse. Needless to say my kids don't go see the doc for the sniffles at this point. But that garbage revamp of the health care system wasn't his fault either, right? That has nothing to do w/ the deficite?
  7. Proving that would be real easy since I have BO's itinerary for that day in front of me . Is he not the comander in chief?? Wouldn't letting the consulate in Benghazi get murdered, after repeated requests for more military, be considered incompetent regardless of whether or not he told them to stand down? I could go on and on about Benghazi; there's enough there even if he didn't tell them to stand down or "ignored the call" as you say. And, how is it I knew it wasn't protestors over a YouTube video and they didn't?? I'm not a member of congress or Muslim... maybe I'm a genius and I should be president.
  8. No I wouldn't be. I didn't vote for Romney, I voted against Obama. I think they're all shady and crooked, but I think some are bit shadier than others. Guessing you're an Obama follower. Benghazi doesn't bother you? That's just normal for the leaders of our nation and we should just sweep it under the rug? Incompetence?? And how about that national deficite? All those promises coming to fruition? Maybe its all still Bush's fault....
  9. Tail of the dragon. That's awesome Right. I don't get people that still proudly sport that sticker. Might as change it to one that says, "I'm a retard".
  10. Good call. Andy Macdonald is the man. For anyone that doesn't skate, this isn't normal; don't expect to see this at your local skatepark! Pretty sure these guys are from another planet, there's no way they're human. MacDoubles w/ Tony Hawk and Andy Macdonald... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ARqyivpT4LE
  11. Skateboarding hurts, but man is it ever fun. I've had sooooo many injuries from it. On a lighter note, I'm not much of a BMX rider (although I do mtn bike), but I always thought this video was super inspiring and awesome. Good song too. (This isn't another gnarly wipeout video BTW, just good) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z19zFlPah-o
  12. I skate mostly pools or ramps, head hits aren't uncommon at all. A good friend of mine lost his footing in the deep end of the pool, hit his head, and doesn't remember anything about when it happened, or anything that happened for the rest of that day. This one's from the skate video Are You Alright. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nh34uGIvKJQ
  13. I used to hate wearing my helmet and never did at parks that don't require it. They're uncomfortable, on a hot sunny day they're super annoying, plus they stink. That was until this guy I skated w/ a couple times fell and hit his head when a kid skated in front of him at an outdoor concrete park near hear; it was game over for him. I wasn't there when it happened, but I heard it wasn't even a bad fall, he just never got back up. From what I knew of him, he was in his 30s w/ kids and a wife, a really sad story. After that happened, I wear my helmet; all of a sudden comfort and style don't matter quite as much.
  14. I'm sure I'll draw some fire for this statement, but I think Volvo's sales drop is more related to their cars being complete garbage from about 2001 through whenever. Electrical nightmares, complete trash transmissions that are borderline unfixable, cheesy interiors, etc. When you're paying top dollar for a new car and it has all kinds of issues, it leaves a bad taste in your mouth. After someone has that experience, why not go BMW, Mercedes or Jaguar for the same money?? I wanted the newer body style V70 until I read all the reviews on them; they were pathetic. Tales of "Run, don't walk away from these cars" all over the place.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NSNLIpaw-U
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