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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. Such as? I hear a lot of false propaganda brought on by leftwing libtards that try to spin his words simply because they know if they actually admit the real reason they don't like him that they're actually the bigots; but I've never seen any proof of any of it.
  2. Who is he? Thing is, here is my take on raising taxes to fund the points you brought up... 1. Money is already there, just piss-poor management / misuse of funds. 2. Money is already there... shady distribution. 3. WAY TOO MUCH MONEY HERE already, insanely shady distribution. 4. Refine / redefine our retarded trade rules. 5. No walls needed, we need to start enforcing the laws that are already in place, we could begin by not allowing illegals to vote. Now back to #4... in addition to redefining our idiotic trade laws... if we raised taxes and put 100% of that money towards our debt, AND IN ADDITION TO THAT we didn't add new retarded government programs that simply tug on the heart strings of the naive and ignorant masses while padding the pockets of shitbags... we wouldn't be dependent on anyone because that would alleviate / eliminate the national deficit. We also need to crack down on big banks and corporations that will give any idiot a loan, but have seemingly zero culpability when it comes to collecting on something they knew was probably doomed right from the get-go. I'm all for instituting something like the "7 year jubilee" rule (old Jewish rule, look it up); no one would be quick to loan money under those circumstances, and debt is what's ruining this nation (well... debt, corruption, and a massive lack of morality).
  3. I would actually be OK with that as long as the money went to get us out of debt and these greedy scumbags wouldn't be padding their (and all their corporate shitbag buddies) pockets with it instead. Also not a fan of handing it out to dead beats (on either end of the societal spectrum). Issue is that I don't trust a single one of them, I honestly believe at this stage in the game we're doomed to reap what we / they have sowed, and it won't be pretty. Shit is coming, and it's going to fall hard IMHO. The truly crappy thing is that it's us who will suffer (for now), not them. I blame greedy politicians and people like Kevin that aren't smart enough to do simple math, or differentiate reality from fiction anymore.
  4. I would be very curious to hear your explanation for why what Gary said is any different. Please, enlighten...
  5. I'd have to argue that technically it isn't his "God given right", if that were the case he'd actually be a monkey
  6. Great response, and I wish I had your level of prudence and sensitivity. I'm more of a "it is what it is" kind of guy with less tact, which kinda makes me an a-hole and also why I'd never excel in politics. And while I agree with you, I'm less sensitive (or even not sensitive at all) to someone who struggles with gender dysphoria, than someone that was legitimately born with ambiguous genitalia.
  7. Seems horribly ironic... but it's fair because of the roads, the police department and the fire department. Or at least that's the argument for why they get to take money from people that have it and give it to people who don't (not to be confused with socialism). It really makes perfect sense if you smoke enough crack and think about it long enough.
  8. I'd like to dissect your comments here a tad more. You alluded to me being ignorant... but I can assure you that while I'm definitely not omniscient, I'm certainly not ignorant. I hired a convicted pedophile when no one else would, he did 15 years in prison for 1st degree criminal sexual conduct with a minor (multiple counts). I actually got to know the guy a little, he worked for me for about 2 years and left to be a truck driver for another company. I truly believe he was sorry for what he did, and I also believe he was a changed man. This doesn't mean I'd have him babysit my kids, but that's because I'm not ignorant. But all that said, I also know (from him) how these people act and think when they're trying to do whatever horrible thing they're considering. Let me leave the ambivalence out of this and say that it is actually you who is ignorant in this. I DO NOT want a grown man who is a complete stranger in the bathroom with my young daughter, I will NOT allow it, regardless of who's feelings I hurt by holding that ground. And with good reasons that have nothing to do with ignorance. Now let me ask you some questions that I'm sure I won't get answers to... what is morality? Where does morality come from? Is it a gut feeling or instinct? What defines morality? Why isn't it ok to have sexual relations with kids? What defines a kid anyhow? What about incest; where is that line drawn and who decided? Is it ok to murder people? What does it mean to murder anyhow? Is murder when someone kills someone else for a wrong reason? What constitutes as a right reason to kill someone? Since you seam to be so "progressive" and undiscriminating, answer all those questions in a way that will make everyone happy and won't hurt anyone's feelings.
  9. What am I ignorant about Kevin? Stop bringing these ambivalent responses and let me know. Where did I cross the line between PC and ignorance? Was it because I said you were a retard?
  10. If you ever want to dive in, I'd be glad to help out. But a warning... it's a very slippery slope with no bottom. The hunt for the "perfect speaker" is an endless journey that might end in a funny farm for me
  11. I agree completely on the LGBT issue as well, but I still don't need to hear about it. So you're gay, big deal, whatever floats your boat. I manage a plastic recycling plant, and the guy that I hired as a manager was/is gay; I actually installed the kitchen in his and his partner's house for free, and even though he isn't with our company anymore, he and I are still good friends (he left because his eBay business started doing really well). We've talked quite a bit about my views (as a Christian) and he respects me because I'm honest with him and I respect him for the same reason. We've actually had some amazing conversations. I mean it when I say that as long as it doesn't affect my family or me, what 2 adults do in their home doesn't matter to me whatsoever. But... this bathroom crap does affect my family. And in the end, whatever, I just won't let my daughter use a public restroom that has more than one stall anymore. But for what? So some guy that likes to wear women's clothes can feel comfortable? None of that makes any sense at all.
  12. Well thought out response Kevin. How so? Is it because I won't bow down to this PC BS you're spewing?
  13. And where exactly did this happen Kevin? Let me ask you a question, since you have such a bleeding heart for all these people that are being persecuted... If you're the owner of a company, and you're an atheist, and you have 2 individuals applying for a job- one is atheist and other is Christian and BOTH are equally qualified; which one would you hire? You actually don't need to answer that question, I already know the answer (that was a rhetorical question). Regardless of whether or not you're willing to admit it, you absolutely have a liberal agenda, so much so that saying you don't is comical. What is the definition of "perverted" Kevin? Look it up, I don't need to assume anything. Now regarding "gay rights"... I don't run around saying, "Hey world, I banged my wife today!! Everyone celebrate where I had my penis today!!" So you like to shove things up your a$$, good for you. How's about now you shut your mouth, cuz I really don't care about that anymore than you care about my relationship with my wife. I really don't care what 2 adults do with their door closed, but the fact that I don't care means I don't need to hear about it. And last... you asked me "who are you to judge?"... The fact that I don't want a man (regardless of what you upside down people want to call him) in the bathroom with my daughter is me judging someone? That is a f'd up line of thought IMO. How's about you quit "judging me" because I'm under the impression that having a grown man that enjoys dressing up like a woman in the bathroom (where I can't be) with my daughter is un-f'ing-acceptable. I don't give a crap what you retards want to call it. It doesn't matter Tim, everyone is a winner today. All you have to do is wander out the door and regardless of what reality tells you, you can be whatever the f'k you want to be. I think today I'll be a train, or maybe I'll be a buffalo because that's what I identify with. Maybe a bird; flying around through the air seems like a really good time and I think it's well within my rights to do that. Come to think of it, the fact that birds can fly and I can't really pisses me off, I think I'll start a revolution because my rights have been violated.
  14. Definitely going, I know the guys at Vapor Audio and the guys at Meniscus Audio, both will have rooms there. Should be a good time.
  15. Nothing you just said has any form of coherent direction towards anything I stated in the response you quoted. The fact that I don't want a pervert guy in the bathroom with my 7 year old daughter isn't "hatred towards the LGBT community".... pull your head out of your rectum. Have you actually read this? Please quote where it's illegal to be a Christian (and therefor act on those values) if you hold an office in the US government. "Separation of church and state" is a fallacy invented by liberals with an agenda.
  16. Show me "separation of church and state" please. That statement is the biggest bunch of political BS brought on by the liberals that are hell bent on completely destroying this country. I still can't fathom the fact that there is legitimate debate over whether or not some perv guy should be allowed to use the women's rest room. Bunch of back-asswards morons.
  17. Anyone here going to Axpona in Chicago this weekend? http://axpona.com/
  18. If you're trolling well played. Either way, I agree 100% with everything you just said, especially the 2nd half.
  19. I'm in the middle of a lot at work, just wanted to say (not sarcastically) well said. While I don't agree or even understand (I'll ask more later), thanks for the post.
  20. Right, as opposed to Hillary, who is a beacon of integrity and hope (rolls eyes). But I guess I understand your position... since you've stated you already know what she'll do (again, rolls eyes). So one woman's opinion about Trump is the absolute conclusion? I think my 8 year old son has more experience to run this nation than the guy we have now. And who gives a crap if he didn't expect to make it this far? What difference does that make? I'll be voting for Trump if (or more likely when) it comes down to him vs Hillary. Of the guys that ran he wouldn't be my first choice, actually probably closer to last as far as the Republican options; but I'll take him over Hillary. Trump train or plane... if or when it rolls around, I'm on it... woot woot woosh woosh!!
  21. I agree, but I think he's less of a train wreck than Hillary. This claim of yours is grossly exaggerated, and way too lengthy a discussion for me to have here. Neither of us knows the answer, and I have yet to discuss this subject with anyone that does. Let me beat you thru the argument and just send you here, good points on both ends... "The main part of the problem lies in the two groups using different definitions of how global warming appears in the climate. This is one of the reasons that those advocating that global warming is real now use the term “climate change,” since it is more reflective of the real issue. The other problem lies in proof, and in studies that try to prove whether or not global warming is real. Contrary to public belief, the results of all scientific studies aren’t conclusive. To be considered proof of a hypothesis, the studies have to be able to be replicated by others and produce the same results. With the global warming studies, analysis of decades of weather data is often used. The first problem is that weather data from 100 years ago wasn’t kept to modern standards of evidence. The second problem is that analysis is interpretation; you can really put any spin on it. This is why some of the arguments for and against whether global warming is real can use the same data and come to different conclusions."
  22. I honestly don't understand what point you're trying to make here. My whole point in saying that "if anything, Trump is a mild conservative" falls right in alignment with what you just posted. He certainly isn't a conservative, look up his views on abortion (up until he started running for the Rep party anyhow). I know he's all over the place.
  23. This is the kettle calling the pot black, coming from you. You don't like my "tenor"? I answered your questions with no more or less candor than you've used, sorry if me being straight forward is unsettling to you, but I would hardly call it insulting. And as far as not answering your questions, I did, and I did so with as much or more acknowledgement as you answered mine with. And casting labels left and right? Again... kettle... pot. What constitutes a diehard conservative? You stated you'd be voting for Hillary if her and Trump are the options. Kevin, no one is debating whether or not "climate change" is real, so feel free to move back to your computer. What I question are the causes of "climate change", and the means to the end (if such a thing exists). And the truly hilarious thing is that it's been aptly titled "climate change"... So wait a minute... you guys are saying the climate changes?!! Who went to school to figure that out?
  24. Please quote where I insulted you; was it too much sarcasm? What would be a proper response? And I agree with what Reagan did as well, but I wouldn't hurry up and lump him in with the liberal views on "climate change" these days. Ignore history ; I'm not ignoring anything, I'm just not exaggerating it to fit into my agenda.
  25. El... oh... el... thanks for that "incontrovertible" proof that Reagan was all for "science, evolution, and a stout believer in climate change". Unfortunately for us lowly, uneducated conservatives, you libs have put such a broad definition on the term "climate change" that anyone that isn't willing to throw their fast food trash out the window of their car must be 100% on board with all the lunatic theories you come up with for how you'll control the climate and keep the world from ending.
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