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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. Speaking of speakers... I won a pair of Eminence Beta 12a mid/woofers at a speaker show I went to. While I've never been a horn speaker fan, some of the best speakers I've ever heard were Volti Vittora. So, I wanted to do a high sensitivity build using some horns for my shop. I already had the Beta 12 mids (98 db sensitive), so I picked up a pair of JBL D220ti (109 db sensitive) compression tweeters, and a pair of Dayton Audio RSS390 15" subs. Because the 15" subs are only about 88 db sensitive, my plan is to use a DBX Driverack to cross the subs to the mid/tweeters. I have 2 amplifiers to drive these, I'll use a Carver TFM-55 on the subs, and a Carver TFM-35 on the tweet/mid. Preamp is going to be my B&K Reference 50. The goal is to build the loudest speakers I've ever heard that are still musical and good sounding. Should be interesting because while I know they'll be loud, this is my first time doing something like this so it could be a sound quality train wreck. I didn't want them to look like pro audio speakers, so I glued a Pyle horn to a piece of MDF, then fiberglassed it in and painted it satin black... This is what I have so far (the one on the left). I know these aren't anything like the Vittora speakers, those have a better tweeter and a horn midwoofer, but I'm having fun none the less. These are HUGE, 18" wide and about 45" tall!! Can't wait to play Megadeth, Trust through these at 115 decibels!
  2. What speakers are you using? Do your woofers flutter? His may have been due to his Grado cartridge too, he replaced the Ortofon Red that came with the player with that Grado. He had to do that because.... beer; he was having some drinks and enjoying the music one night, and didn't use the arm lift when he wanted to track ahead. He broke the needle off.
  3. My cousin picked this up for his... Clear Audio Nano V2 Phono Preamplifier Not that I'm anywhere near any sort of expert and this is speculation on my part... but what Mike was saying about the ultra-light, hollow tone arm seems like it would make it more apt to flutter and bounce while it's tracking, which would bring on all those subsonic frequencies that were making his woofers go crazy. IMO, this was adding to what I called "bloated mids". My cousin said that Nano pre has a 20 Hz rumble filter in it, which cancels all those subsonic frequencies, and he said it made a WORLD of positive difference not only in the way his player sounds, but he also no longer has his woofers floating near xmax. Just saying, maybe something to have on your "want list" before a new turntable purchase. I'm not going to run out and pick one up until I spend some time with mine. I have a Spectral DMC-6 preamp that's supposed to have an amazing phono preamp in it, so I want to hear that first before I do anything dramatic. Also, when I say his had bloated mids I'm splitting hairs. IMO it sounded amazing (obviously, because I went and ordered a turntable the next day). And for all I know my music hall might have the same issues. Just throwing it out there and maybe you already have a decent phono preamp with a rumble filter?
  4. That's a sweet TT Mike. Maybe we can get this conversation moved to that home audio thread? I'm sticking with the Music Hall, it's already on it's way. But it was a tough decision between it and the Rega. I need to start buying records now so I have something to play when it shows up in a week.
  5. Now you have me second guessing the Music Hall. I seriously debated hard between that and the Rega P3, but went the Music Hall route because I didn't want used, and the new RP3 was too spendy at about $1100 new.
  6. Thanks. I think A was the biggest thing I heard that made the woofers go crazy and the mids sound bloated. AC/DC, Hells Bells.... I was a little worried about his woofers, they had to be near xmax. Not sure I heard motor hum, it seemed quiet but maybe that was adding to the "mid bloat" too. "All the Hipsters love it though, The place i bought mine sells 3 a week to the local skinny jean lumberjacks." That's funny shit^^
  7. That was a tough call between the Music Hall and the Rega. I considered this Rega on eBay... http://www.ebay.com/itm/Rega-P3-24-Turntable-in-Classic-Black-with-Elys-2-cartridge-RP3-/141894504768?hash=item2109925140:g:~ooAAOSwzhVWshIU But decided I'd rather go with the new Music Hall. I read a lot of reviews and it was basically 50/50 between Music Hall and Rega.
  8. What was it you didn't like about the Pro-Ject? He replaced the Ortofon Red cartridge with a Grado Platinum. That Sumiko looks awesome, but I honestly don't know enough yet to know what I'd prefer between MC and MM cartridges. Based on what I've read, I think I'd prefer the MC cartridge. The nice thing is that my Spectral preamp will do either MC or MM, it has a switch. And price is definitely relative, the Music Hall I bought is actually pretty entry level in turntables. I'm into SACD, but it's getting tough to find good SACDs, and if I can find them they're generally really expensive. I wouldn't say I was "digital only", I just wasn't vinyl because I didn't want to deal with it. Maybe I'm getting old and less reckless, but listening to an entire album is more appealing these days than tracking from Slayer to Gordon Lightfoot to the Gorillaz via my iPod on shuffle. It'll be interesting to hear this turntable next to my SACD player. From what I heard at my cousin's, there are still trade-offs or pros/cons when comparing digital to vinyl. Obviously the pro to digital is the ease of playback and availability, but the con is that with digital (standard Redbook CD), it's like all the outside edges of the music is cut off. Hopefully this is where the SACD will shine, but I still don't think it'll be as good as what I heard in vinyl. Cons with vinyl are obviously the pops and clicks (though this isn't as much a nuisance as I remembered it being, and it's really only audible between tracks), the rumble (woofers go ape-shit sometimes), and the mids seem mildly bloated, but I'm hoping this was his player. I'll report back on what I find, but it'll be a bit because I have a lot of records to buy. I'll start with getting vinyl that I also have on SACD so I can compare.
  9. Went to my cousin's last night, him and I have practically been best friends since we were born and both of us are huge into stereos. He picked up a Pro-Ject Debut Carbon Esprit turntable, and I'm blown away. We were listening to his Springsteen, Darkness on the Edge of Town record. Not to sound cliche, but I've listened to this album a million times on CD or streamed, and heard things I've never heard before last night from the record. I'm sold, how this took me so long is beyond me. I ordered this today, Music Hall MMF-5.3...
  10. Turns out I'm not just a crotchety old bastard, the new music these days does suck... http://www.chartattack.com/news/2016/01/20/old-music-is-outselling-new-music-for-the-first-time-in-history/
  11. Every time I see a Lancia I can't get Herbie's girlfriend out of my head. I now it was a Scorpion but....
  12. You're talking $135k, compared to $150k... so not exactly a huge break in price range. But... for argument's sake the non-Nismo 2013 GTR was about $90k new, and that did it in 7:19.1
  13. So Keyser Soze is running now? I guess he's a better option that what I've seen so far
  14. Anyone go see the new Star Wars? I'm not a complete Star Wars doofus, but I do like the first 3. I thought the first of the newer ones they came out with sucked, complete crap. The 2nd one was decent. Might take my 8 year old son tonight to see the newest one.
  15. I agree, you could see in The Apprentice shows that he was just shock and awe rather than "make an intelligent decision"; when the rubber meets the road he's all about the ratings. The problem would be when he did something to completely piss a bunch of foreign nations off just so he could please his "fans".
  16. I didn't read the letter, it's too long. They're all a bunch of corporate douche bags that see people as less than pawns in their game of bullshit. I used to pick the lesser of 2 evils and vote for the one I thought was the lesser scum, but this time I might vote libertarian for the first time.
  17. FTR, I'm not a fan of shaved door handles. People need to leave that alone.
  18. I love watches too but the nicest one I have is a Tissot. Someday I'd like a Tag Carrera, but that will be once the kids are moved out. The Huawei looks like a traditional Chrono... http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_0_8?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=huawei+smartwatch&sprefix=huawei+s%2Caps%2C265 Thanks for the input and you guys are probably right. It's basically something that connects to my cell phone, which is a 1.5 year old S5 that's already out of date.
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