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Everything posted by mattsk8

  1. Any of you guys have a smartwatch? If yes, which one and do you like it? What's your favorite feature? Seems to me that being able to identify who's texting while you're driving would be nice. Any other features? I'm debating between the Huawei and the Moto 360 v2.
  2. I've had my rebuilt rack from Rack Doctor in my 99 R for about 2 leak free years now (every bit of 30k miles).
  3. It's more of a dare thing. After the one I ate last year's effect on my stomach I all but swore I wouldn't eat another, but my cousin grew some this year and gave me about 10 of the things (no idea what I'll do with them). Thankfully this time it didn't mess with my stomach, just my mouth. I've also eaten a Moruga Scorpion pepper, and those are supposed to be twice as hot as a ghost pepper, but I think there's a threshold where it just doesn't matter anymore because either way it's insane. The Scorpions taste better than the ghost peppers IMO.
  4. My son and I each ate a ghost pepper last night, that's the 4th one I've eaten. Those things are vicious. Every morning I walk by my Volvo and wish I could drive it, I miss that car.
  5. I took mine same year in MI. I drive like an asshole and hate when people are in my way, and I have no conscience about it. What I really hate is some douche that can't handle it when they get passed.
  6. Maybe not a stock Buick Gran' Sport; but I'd drive this all day long... And I've always LOVED the GNX...
  7. I'd drive it. Wish someone had a front view.
  8. This conversation was never centered around whether or not it should fly over government property, it was about whether or not people see it as a symbol of hate. There's more to it than just the political debate and plenty have said it can't fly off government property, like NASCAR telling people they can't fly it, Walmart (that pillar of equality and integrity in America that they are) pulling it from their shelves, TV Land cancelling the Dukes of Hazzard because of the General Lee's roof, and many others... there's more to this subject than flying it on government property. A guy in the city I work in here in MI was told by the city he had to remove it from his yard, that guy now has 5 of them in his front yard (and good for him). And just for curiosity's sake, where do the 2 posts you quoted substantiate anything you claimed about this thread going off topic?
  9. Funny, I'm 39 years old and grew up in MI and no one I ever knew got an "ass-whoopin" for driving a foreign car. My parents had a 240Z in the late 70s and no one ever whooped either of their asses for it. They had a 82 ish Honda Accord after that in the mid 80s, and still no "ass-whoopins". Do you make this stuff up as you go along? Fun word. Isn't that the point of any discussion? If I'm labeling I'd actually say "false-conclusionist" fits you a little a better.
  10. The images I posted support my stance, and I honestly don't think you even know what my stance really is. My stance has never been that the rebel flag was never used as a symbol of hate. My stance is... simply because a group has used this flag as a symbol of hatred, doesn't mean it's absolutely a symbol of hatred. The pictures I posted support that stance: haters can use whatever they want, but it doesn't mean they own the rights to it. You can call me disingenuous all you want, my original post wasn't conniving or loaded in any way. I asked that question at a point when this all started, and since then I've given the matter plenty of thought and come to the conclusion that this is all ridiculous. And me calling you a racist was satirical; I don't think you're racist. I do however think you draw conclusions about people prior to having all the facts, which is similar to racism.
  11. Well I guess that makes you an expert then doesn't it. Still waiting on that answer to my earlier question...
  12. I can't quote your whole thing because you obviously can't figure out how all this works. So anyhow... Disingenuous: not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does... Where was I "disingenuous" about anything here? I never took a stand in the beginning at all, I asked a question. After reading all the hoopla online and in the news, I see where this is going so at this point I have taken a stand. Now let me ask you (another) question... I have been fairly diligent about answering your questions, could you please respond to this one?...
  13. There was no trolling on my part at all. Here's my original post... I even admitted I didn't really have any feelings at all when I posted it, and when I asked for opinions I didn't say the answers were going to dictate whatever position I had (if any at that time). But I can see the direction all this would go now, it's definitely more clear to me at this point. So yes, I have a little more fire about it now than I did when I asked the question. And to correct you, I didn't ask for every African American's opinion, I asked for opinions from them that lived in the south.
  14. Here's another one for you. Is our next move to halt all Volkswagen, BMW and Mercedes sales over here? Not only is this a direct symbol of hatred, the symbol itself is for a company that directly supported their cause. But I guess this doesn't matter to you; I mean after all, it was another race right? And Kevin, I'm appalled that you bestow such devotion to those murderous bigots you work for. BMW/Nazi ties
  15. Good for you; you found some article on the internet that supports your idiotic claim. I can find plenty of those for just about any claim out there, but it doesn't mean it's true. Here's my extra credit... http://cnsnews.com/commentary/charlie-daniels/charlie-daniels-confederate-flag-restraint-and-common-sense
  16. Don't label me you racist. And I like your go-to is calling us trolls simply because we won't sit here and listen to some whine-asses with nothing better to do than point fingers tell us we shouldn't/can't have something because some moron used it as a symbol of hatred. The irony here is that I've personally never had a confederate flag/sticker on anything in my life that I recall, I just think this whole issue is retarded. Edit: I guess that's not entirely true, I think I had a General Lee Matchbox car or something like that. Glad that's gone now, we all know how much those Duke boys promoted racism and hate.
  17. I know; it all makes sense now. All those times I watched the Dukes Of Hazzard as a kid and subconsciously thought, I need to go oppress blacks. I blame Kevin.
  18. Look what that rebel flag made these tornadoes do to this church in Portland MI. Will this insanity ever stop?! We need to get rid of this flag! Next it'll be global warming. http://www.lansingstatejournal.com/story/news/local/2015/06/27/portland-rallies-help-ravaged-churches/29397433/
  19. That's how it played out? Those states were like "We hate integration so raise that flag!"? The flag wasn't there prior to that? You said the flag "is now a symbol of racist bigots"; you honestly believe that everywhere that flag is stamped or was flown, those people hate blacks? Have you ever been to the south before? Get some opinions from them before you decide to speak for them ;). Racism is BS and anyone that hates someone over skin color is a moron, you guys are the ones keeping coals burning hot.
  20. I disagree. This thread is what's wrong with people. 1. There were different variations of the original confederate flag. What does that have to do with anything we're discussing? 2. Not true until lately because of lemmings following the media's rule. To me it's a symbol of a group that has accepted wrong doing, and also a group of people that have forgiven wrong doing. I like how the white man is always the bad guy with regards to slavery, but you all overlook the fact that it was in fact Africans that were selling the slaves in Africa in the first place. Also, why aren't the Irish slaves or the peasants that were brought here from the British Isles included in this history?
  21. I think it's funny the way the confederate flag is compared to the Nazi flag. You don't think there's a difference? My dad had a confederate flag license plate on the front of his Chevy, and him and one of his best friends (a black guy) used to drive around in that van together all the time. It had nothing to do with racism and all you ill-advised, PC embracing sheople are going to ruin ruining this country. Do some homework before you compare the Nazi flag to the confederate flag, you're doing a huge disservice to the 11 million people that were murdered during the Holocaust. I see British flags here in America too, and that was oppression as well. Why aren't all you humanitarians pissing and moaning about that? Quit following the media, making stupid assumptions based on hearsay bullshit and leave people alone.
  22. It's only become a symbol of racism in the past week. What about the good ol' stars and stripes flag? What we did to the Indians wasn't exactly glamorous; basically came in, lied to them and jerked the rug out from under them while we gave them blankets laced with infectious diseases, not to mention the rape and murder because they were "savages". I think PC and liberal retards are going to take this nation straight into a train wreck of epic proportions. While we're all being bleeding hearts and making things right, shouldn't all the whites and blacks here do the right thing and leave? Give the land back to original owners? (Sarcasm)
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