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Everything posted by Aequitas_Veritas

  1. true, but I have had a perscription for marijuana in the past, and one option I had was marinal. After doing it twice I went straight back to smoking it or vaporizing it. Im just debating the chucks argument that they are the same thing.
  2. no way marinol is only $4 and vaporizing is better then marinol being high on marinol is quite a bit different then being high on weed. marinol is much more of a psychotic then weed. I never had auditory halucinations from smoking weed, but I did when I took marinol. Smoking weed is also much more relaxing and calming. I would compare the two to getting drunk on beer vs. hard alcohol. Beer is a much calmer slower buzz then the effects of hard alcohol.
  3. Found this in an old book my friend had. Alot of people have asked me what being high feels like, but its so hard to describe to someone who hasnt done it. But i felt this did a pretty good job... "Being high is one of the most pleasant sensations available to mankind. Every day is Saturday. It is to be like a child; to perceive events with clarity; to look into the gates of paradise; to completely enjoy whatever you might be doing; to smile so hard that your jaw muscles get tired. Being high is to laugh at the silliest things; to understand things that have seemed absurd before; to have the aloofness of a cat; to afford a kinship with god. To be intoxicated with marihuana makes every superlative seem within your grasp. Being high makes life seem terribly good."
  4. what about this? haha http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8Vh9_Hi1kY
  5. can we just make it a general rule that you cant fantasize about my dick? or how bout you just not post about it when you do.
  6. we dont want him, we are smarter then that.
  7. join the club, everytime I give him a chance and view one of his crappy posts, it just makes me appreciate the feature even more.
  8. no this is off topic, meaning you dont get any points for posts here. It just makes you an annoying post whore
  9. haha, if you did that you wouldnt make to the "i do"s
  10. yeah its pretty bad here too. I think i saw some clouds today
  11. that could be pretty funny, but it could be pretty stupid as well.
  12. another interesting fact pot smoker != hippy
  13. yeah and the fact that thousands die from every drug (including alcohol and tabacco) except weed is pretty sad as well risking death and addiction is just for grownups. In cali people see weed for what it really is. A healthier and safer way to take a break then a beer.
  14. hey dave, provide a link about how weed alters your brain chemistry even remotely similar to how coke does.
  15. been clean=havnt done it so he said its not addicting and he hasnt done it for 5 weeks. which makes perfect sense.
  16. Do it during lunch, its that easy. All you need is a 10mm and a 12mm.
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